Direct line Aerospace Expansion and health

This typology of aid is intended to enhance innovation in certain regions of spain's most disadvantaged and/or passing through specific economic difficulties, through the improvement of capacities of enterprises that aim to investment projects technologically innovative facilitate its growth.

Summary sheet of the assistance


Individual projects of innovation linked to the codicil to the HUGE and aerospace and Health.



Call type

Continuous call.

Submission deadline

Applications may take on-line continuously until 31/12/2025.

Type of assistance

Help partially refundable.

Characteristics of the assitance

Fixed rate: 1 year Euribor + 0.75 per cent.

The aid of up to 75 per cent of the approved budget.

The company shall provide at least 25 per cent of its budget with own resources.

The advance of up to 90 per cent of aid without requirement for additional guarantees.

Tranche non-reimbursable from 20 per cent of aid.

Redemption: 10 years, including a lack of 2 years.

The CDTI may require the creation of security for the return of aid when the financial economic analysis of the company.

The CDTI may use a reduction or exemption of the required assurances.

Characteristics of the project

It will be supported with development projects in certain regions assisted.

Minimal budget: €175,000.

Maximum budget: €30 million.

Duration: between 9 and 18 months.

Projects can be concluded no later than 31/12/2026.

Subject to aid projects belonging to all productive activities that are eligible for aid, except those excluded according to the legislation in force.

Investments must be kept in the beneficiary area for at least five years.

May include third-party funds

The funding mechanism for the recovery and resilience.

The actions financed must respect the principle not to cause significant harm the environment (principle DNSH).

Allows for generating motivated reports


Specific objectives

Adequacy to one of the lines identified for the field Salud de Vanguardia or for the aerospace sector (available on the tab tool of detail in annex I on "Definition of projects for technological innovation in the aerospace and Salud de Vanguardia").

Gastos elegibles

Are considered eligible investments:

The acquisition of fixed assets with a new technological innovation and improvement of productive capacities in the company of the project.

Investment can be realized in fixed assets new materials and intangible assets:

  • ‘ Tangible assets': assets consisting of machinery and equipment.
  • "intangible assets ”: assets that did not have a physical or financial implementation, such as patents, licences, expertise or other intellectual or industrial property rights.

Restrictions on eligible investments are available on the tab of detail of the instrument.

Evaluation criteria

Criterios oftechnical evaluation:

- Technical capacity

- Quality científico-técnica and degree of innovation

- Socio-economic impact, gender perspective and sustainability.

Criterios offinancial evaluation:

- Analysis of the crisis.

- Analysis económico-financiero and venture capital.

- Analysis económico-financiero of the project.

- Adjustment of the company económico-financiera for his efforts in the project.

Incentive effect

The aid incentive effect if, before you start working in the project, the beneficiary has submitted a written request of CDTI aid.

Accumulation and incompatibilities of additional aid perception

Aid is incompatible with any other public aid at european level, state or autonomous community, with identical objectives and purpose.

Aid is incompatible with any private help whose source of funding comes from funds from the budget of the european Union (structural funds to the European Investment, or other).

Regulatory framework

This aid is governed by the european union regulation applicable national and european funds of the mechanism for the recovery and Resilience.