All contractual activity CDTI, the scope of any citizen.
Transparency – Contracts in force
Consistent with article 63 of law 9/2017, of 8 november, on public Sector contracts, the CDTI publishes on this website contracting profile, so as to ensure the transparency and public access to information related to contractual activity, and which will include relevant information.
Procuring entity.Legal Nature
The CDTI is a public entity, responsible for the management and development of the policy of technological innovation of the ministry of science and innovation. Is governed by its Rules of procedure adopted by royal decree 1406/1986, of 6 june.
For the purposes of the provisions of law 9/2017, of 8 november, on public Sector contracts, the CDTI is a contracting authority, public administration.
Detailannual recruitment CDTI
The detailed annual procurement of goods and services of the CDTI for its functioning is available on theReport of económico-financieras obligations of public entities.
In pursuance of article 347 of law 9/2017, on public Sector contracts, the contracting profile CDTI is published in the beijing platform for recruitment of the State, through which was made public all information relating to tenders.