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DO Emprendes?

If you enjoy the challenges? A View to the future? Are You thinking? Do You Want To make it a reality, and contribute to social and economic development through innovation and technology?

More questions:UNDERTAKES.

Entrepreneurship and innovation are the key of services, products and systems that do better our lives. Combining knowledge, science, research, public support, enterprise, business andpeople with new creative ideas and visionarythey wantbuild the futureis to create the bestecosystemfor the adventure ofundertakeis a sustainable process of transformation and renewal.

The CDTI is integrated into comprehensive public proceedings for entrepreneurship (ONE), is launching programmes of their own public aid for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs (NEOTEC) and the momentum of innovation, collaborates with public institutions and community-based support to entrepreneurship, promotes public-sector technology transfer and r & D (PUBLIC PURCHASE 5) and mobilizes business innovation through actions of and risk capital investment in technology-based enterprises or innovative.

Do You Want To take? UNDERTAKES.



National bureau of Entrepreneurship

If you want to know all the resources for theENTREPRENEURSHIPthe National Bureau of enterprise is your stop. This is yourONE-STOP SHOP, the platformall-things entrepreneurshipspanish.


Convening CDTI-Neotec

¿Tienes una ESTRATEGIA DE NEGOCIO basada en el desarrollo de TECNOLOGÍA e I+D+I PROPIA desarrollada a partir de la actividad investigadora? ¿Eres una EBT o quieres serlo?CDTI-NEOTECis your program of CDTI public aid to create or consolidate your company a technological base.


Innovation ecosystems

As a team innovates the better.CDTI Ecosystemsit has been designed to integrate or entities actors at local, regional and/or national levels aimed at the promotion and encouragement of technological development and innovation in structures of open innovation and put them at your service. For innoves, to transfer it and to emprendas.



The agendaINNVIERTEis this:investment. The CDTI, through its own society for collective investment-type closed (SICC) controlled by the CNMV, strength, venture capital in the technology sector english to promote the launch of new innovative businesses or technological base and facilitate the participation of private capital stable long-term investment in other entities of risk capital. A leader of collaboration público-privada with direct impact on thetransfer,entrepreneurshipandinnovation científico-tecnológicaspanish.

Compra pública

Public purchase innovation

En el CDTI, somos buscadores. Salimos a buscar ideas que necesiten del desarrollo denew knowledgeto tackle challenges throughinnovation and technology. And we test and validate it.stimulate the transferinnovative ideas and translate them into solutions. Take a look...