Co-Financed partnershipsHorizon Europe

Partenariados europeos

Partnerships, and Europe Financed Horizon

The European Partnerships (Partnerships) are the new version of joint programming initiatives already in existence in the horizon 2020 Framework Programme (ERA-NET, Associations, Eurostars-2 Público-privadas, EIT-KICs, etc.), and indeed since 2002, with the aim of reducing fragmentation of research effort in europe.

The new european partnerships emerge to respond to complex and ambitious goals that cannot be served through another type of projects, providing a framework of collaboration programme between the european union and public and private partners.

All partnerships are based on strategic research Agendas and innovation (SRIA by its initials in english), and accepted by all participants in each association. In short, are initiatives in which the eu, together with private partners and/or public, undertake to support the development and implementation of a programme of research and innovation.

It is expected of partnerships that contribute significantly to achieving the objectives of the european union, contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals (ODS).

The european partnerships cofinanced are linked thematically, mostly, the Cluster and all rooms are equipped with an annual work Plan.

The co-financed Partnerships with the european commission (Cofund), are selected through competitive to a co-financing action published in the programme of work of Horizon Europe. Participants are mostly agencies funding partners of the eu member states, partner countries and in some cases, third countries. They are heirs to the European Joint Programme (EJP), ERA-NET Cofund Eurostars-2 and H2020.

Entities involved in partnerships cofinanced are responsible for putting in place a common agenda that will be implemented by themselves, and which will include joint calls with both international funding agencies participants and funding partners.

The CDTI innovation, within their competence, form part of these programmes, companies and joint programming initiatives, at european and international level, still represented in their Governing bodies.

Horizon Europe carries with it new modalities of participation (the so-called partnerships or associations) in which the CDTI innovation is actively working together with the ministry of science and innovation, to help achieve the objectives of internationalization of the Spanish System of science, technology and innovation (SECTI), reflected in the Spanish Strategies of science, technology and innovation and in successive State Plans that do develop.

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