The CDTI is governed by act 19/2013 to provide citizens with all the information about its activity and establish channels of public attention.

Institutional information
Economic, group and transparency information
Internal control system on financial information
This section provides a description of the Center's organization in relation to CDTI's internal control systems for financial information.
The CDTI, as a Public Business Entity (EPE), is governed by Law 40/2015 of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, Law 14/2011, of June 1, on Science, Technology and Innovation and Royal Decree 1406/1986, of June 6, approving the Regulation of the Center for Industrial Technological Development.
Real estate
Real estate owned by the CDTI: The only real estate owned by the CDTI is the building located at calle Cid, 4, in Madrid.
Annual accounts

According to the European System of National and Regional Accounts of the EU (SEC6), the CDTI is classified under the heading S.1311 and depends on the Central Administration. The accounts of the CDTI, the report that accompanies them and the corresponding audit report of the IGAE include information on the activity of the Center and its subsidiaries, its sources of income, its indebtedness, the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and Directors from the CDTI, payment to suppliers, etc. which complements the information provided on this website.
Aid awards

In order to promote transparency, citizen participation and collaboration and so with a more open government, public administration made available to any person or organization, in a free, certain data so that they can be reused in actions resulting in further data, knowledge, best processes, added value to existing processes or new services.
Judicial decisions and the Transparency
Information on court decisions relating to the CDTI are available on theJudicial documentation centre (CENDOJ)the General council of the judiciary. It sets out the sentences handed down by the supreme court, the Audiencia Nacional, the highest courts of law, the Provincial high court and military courts and Single-judge courts.
In addition, the resolutions issued by the council of Transparency can be accessedwebsite.
Citizen attention
In accordance with provisions of act 19/2013, transparency, and in particular in articles 21 and 22 on information and attention to the citizen, the CDTI has articulated the necessary resources to manage and respond to requests for information relating to that operation.
If you are interested in information that does not appear on this site, or make any suggestions about the organization of the centre and its activities, use the form ofRequests for information, suggestions and complaints. The CDTI petitions will be identified properly.
Anti-Fraud committee
The CDTI has established a committee to Combat Fraud efficient management of public funds managed by the centre they serve, or channelled notice of facts or behaviours that could be regarded as irregular or fraudulent, as recognized inAnti-Fraud Plan of CDTI. To enable the citizen perform these notifications aA complaints boxaccessible from the web of CDTI. Additionally, in order to sensitize and develop afraud culture, which has been promoted since the highest levels of CDTI, the committee Against Fraud (CAF) act with sufficient versatility and cutting to strengthen thecontrol environmentthrough aAnti-Fraud Policyin full operation.