Loans at preferential interest rates for r & D business (partly refundable aid)

The aid of partially CDTI are reimbursablelong-term loans, a kind ofinterestfixedbelow marketanda party,up to 30 per cent of the loanaccording to the modality of projectit is not necessary to return. This type of loanprovides a grant equivalent toas thetoolin support of r & D and innovationmore competitive market.

In most cases,loans at preferential interest ratesthe CDTI reimbursable partiallymay be requested at any time of yearwithout prior notice, through the electronic site CDTI.

Proyectos I*D e innovación del CDTI

Loans at preferential interest rates or Le (partially refundable aid) are presented in different modalities and configurations as well as the following non-refundable (RNR) and returns on the loan granted:

In addition, loans partially refundable can reach the CDTI (by type) up to 90 per cent of the budget, are a fixed rate very competitive and companies can receive a foretaste of up to 50 per cent of aid without requirement for additional guarantees.

Recalls that sectionCONTACT MAILBOXon the cover ofwww.cdti.esyou have the specific contact instruments to conduct consultations.

You can also access to specific pages of each modality in the following sections.

Proyectos PERTES

Proyectos I+D

Proyectos de Innovación

Proyectos de Transferencia Tecnológica "Cervera"

Actuación conjunta ISCII-CDTI

Proyectos FEMPA