The CDTI-E.P.E. is a public entity, under the ministry of Science, innovation and Universities, promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies. It is the entity channels requests for assistance and support to r & D & I projects of Spanish companies at both state and international levels.

Whowe are
The CDTI-E.P.E. is a public entity, under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities, which promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies.

The CDTI is governed by act 19/2013 to provide citizens with all the information about its activity and establish channels of public attention.

The CDTI has signed cooperation agreements with a wide range of actors for the promotion of r + D + I.

The CDTI offers a number of advisory services and support to boost the activity of I + D + I in Spain.
The CDTI has mailboxes to meet the specific questions about their aid and projects approved and a generic mailbox for informal less specific.