The missionNetwork of CDTI international Delegationsit is to strengthen competitiveness and the positioning of spanish companies with own technologies in the international arena. To that end, the CDTI hasinternational offices called CDTI-SOST(Spanish Office for Science and Technology)in 10 countries(Japan, south korea, China, India, usa, Morocco, Chile, brazil, mexico and belgium) that givecoveragea total of51 countries in the global level.
The main lines of CDTI international action are:
- Promote the establishment ofcollaborative institutional arrangementsamong the CDTI and their counterparts in other countries that have similar competences in the area of r + D + I.
- Mobilizefinancial resources both nationals and foreignersto strengthen companies with spanish technologies in the international context.
- Detectnew market opportunities internationalfor spanish technology companies.
- Promoteparticipationof spanish and international companies in the variousprogrammes of international technology cooperationand technology transferthe CDTI.
- Convening ofevents at the local leveland participation in other international events fordisseminate opportunities for international technology cooperationbetween entities and spanish and international partners.
- Promotespanish participation in european programmesprimarily,Framework programme for research and innovation of the european Union> direct access to theSpanish Portal of Horizon Europe