The CDTI opens the first line of Partially Refundable Aid linked to the Addition of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, adopted by the European Commission on 2 october 2023, and focus on LOSS aerospace and Health.
Strategic Projects for the recovery and Economic Transformation (LOSS) represent new forms of collaboration público-privada keys to the implementation of the various projects tractors referred to in the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, with great capacity for economic growth, employment and competitiveness of the spanish economy.
Allows The Codicil To support investments in health and aerospace industry through loans for development activities such as r + D + I, scaling, industrial modernization and update of manufacturing processes, digitization and technological updating, development and implementation of sustainable processes.
The funds available for these actions are of 273 M €for projects linked to the LOSS of health and 240 M €for the Aerospace industry.