CDTI Ratings


Since 2011, the CDTI has been requesting the opinions of the companies it supports through a Satisfaction Survey that they fill in when they complete their project. In it, they assess a series of concepts relating to the support they have received from the Centre. This survey is conducted in order to take the company's opinion into account when it comes to perfecting our programmes and services.

The companies' opinions (ratings from 0 to 5) clearly show that their overall satisfaction level has increased in recent years, from 3.94 in 2010–2012 to 4.24 in 2016–2018.

These company ratings are a stimulus for the Centre and a tool it uses in its efforts to improve its services to innovative Spanish companies.

More information on this survey is published in section 2, The CDTI in Spanish R&D, of the CDTI's annual activity reports from 2015 onwards.