Organizational structure
Governing bodies
In accordance with Article 4 of Royal Decree 1406/1986 of 6 June, approving the Regulations of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (consolidated text – last amended 11 February 2012), the GOVERNING BODIES are:
- The Board of Directors
- The Chairman
- The General Manager
A detailed description of the powers and operation of the CDTI governing bodies can be found in Chapter 2 of the aforementioned Royal Decree.
The governing council of the currently CDTI (data to 29/11/2021) by:
- The post of president what is currently the secretary-General of Innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities, Teresa Riesgo. Her appointment and dismissal are taken by Royal Decree on the proposal of the Minister for Science, innovation and universities, after deliberation of the council of ministers.
- The Director General of the CDTI as part of the staff of the CDTI and is designated, on the proposal of the president and has, after hearing the governing council, by the minister for Science, innovation and universities and exercises the powers vested in the council shall determine and his or her delegated authority.
- Ten members, whose appointment and dismissal was carried out through the minister of Science, innovation and universities.
The secretary of the governing council is the person on each time the post of Secretary-General of the CDTI.
Steering committee
José Moisés Martín Carretero university degree in economics from the Universidad autónoma de Madrid and has extended graduate programs in finance from the IE Business School, Economic Analysis in the national and international economic relations in the CEPADE from Universidad politécnica de Madrid, in addition to a degree in Digital Strategy in INSEAD and other supplementary training with various courses at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government-IESE and the London School of Economics.
Until his appointment as Director-General of the CDTI, has occupied since 2014 the position of Director and partner Red2Red consultant and has more than 25 years of experience in the public and private sectors.
Previously, has acted as a member of the advisory council of economic affairs of the ministry of economy and of the advisory council of the high commissioner of Spain entrepreneurial Nation of the group of experts “ 100 of COTEC foundation ” COTEC for innovation and of the advisory council of the institute Hermes on digital humanism.
Between 2016 and 2024, has served as professor of economics and entrepreneurship in technological university Camilo José Cela.
In 2012, was appointed senior economic adviser to the embassy of south korea in spain and, between 2008-2012, has been head of the department of Multilateral cooperation in the spanish agency for international cooperation for development (AECID), responsible for the promotion of development (FONPRODE), member of the committee of enterprise internationalization (FIEM) and member of the governing council in the public company P4r-españa Outward Expansion.
It has been invited speaker with different graduate programs and has written numerous reports, book chapters and articles on risk capital, innovation and digital economy Has published books “ spain 2030, Govern the future ” (Deusto 2016) and “ The future of prosperity ” (Ariel 2022).
Javier Pérez holds a degree in Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid, a Master's degree in European Communities from ICADE, a Diploma of Advanced Studies in International Public Law from the National Distance Education University and a Master's degree in Corporate Legal Advice from the IE Business School.
Until his appointment as Secretary-General, he held a technical role in the Capitalisation of Technological Companies Department, affiliated with the CDTI Innovation's Directorate of Economic and Financial Affairs, where he was responsible for the legal aspects of the Venture Capital Programme developed by the Centre through the company INNVIERTE Economía Sostenible SICC, SME, SA. (Innvierte).
He previously worked at the Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) as Deputy Director of Legal Advice and as the Deputy Secretary of the Board.
Prior to SEPI, he had worked in the CDTI Legal Advice Department for more than 20 years. During this time, he also served as Secretary for the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Research, Development and Application of Composite Materials (FIDAMC).
Mª Pilar Carrato holds a ba in Business by the college de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF). Various financial specialization courses in the Instituto de Empresa (Cash Management), the international monetary fund (Public Financial Management), the bank of spain (Management and Operational Risk measurement; Assessment of Enterprises; Recovery of credit, and the Insolvency Law) and the INAP (Strategic planning and Public Address).
He began his career as financial analyst of the bank of Spain. It develops its career in the private sector in various financial institutions over thirteen years, to occupy a number of posts, including the head of the department of International Sales-Trading SVB of BHC and Fortis Bank. Reconciles its professional activity with the teaching in schools as the EFC or IEB, Iefs.
Subsequently, as opposed to get higher conductors and Auditors of the state. Begins his career in the public sector in the institute of accounting and auditing of accounts (ICAC), initially in the Sub-Directorate of technical Control and then play the position of secretary-General of the commission during approximately six years. Continues his career in the public sector as the director of audit Teams of division of Community funds in the ONA (IGAE), joining the CDTI in november 2018 as responsible for leadership Económico-financiera.
Carlos de la Cruz is Industrial engineering from the Universidad politécnica de Madrid, masters in International MBA “ ” by the school of business and has done a course of Risk Capital provided by the institute of Stock Studies (IEB) and other Sectoral analysis and Competitive Positioning of companies by DBK.
He began his career in 1987 as a fellow at the Central Laboratory officer -LCOE- and subsequently Other engineering projects in HLCS -antigua CAMPSA- since 1990 is part of the CDTI, first as the department of Technical production Technologies, as the head of various departments and Director of evaluation of the information society, energy and industry, and is now the Director of The technical evaluation.
Has been a member of the executive committee of the alliance for energy research (ALINNE); member of evaluation committees for various programmes of the state Plan of r + D + I run by the ministry of economy and competitiveness; member of evaluation committees from other proceedings relating to the funding of I + D + I: INVEST in SPAIN, OEPM; member and jury in a number of awards for entrepreneurs and recognition technology-based companies: ANCES, IDEPA, CEEI of Asturias, INDRA, LA CAIXA, MADRI + D, OTRI Network at the universidad complutense de madrid, VODAFONE GROUP FOUNDATION; member of the governing council of the company and Aerospace Engineering Services, S.A. (INSA) and has worked in various working groups of the state Plan of R + D + i and to the observatory on Technology Foresight and Industrial property (OPTI).
Juan Antonio Tébar Chumillas holds a degree in aeronautical engineering from Universidad politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Master's Degree in international management of companies by UPM, graduate in Management Development by the Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE), graduate degree in Public affairs by the centre of innovation of the right - Universidad Pontificia de Comillas and strategic innovation programme.
He began his career in 1998 as a fellow at the department of aircraft of the Escuela técnica Superior de Aeronautical Engineers of the ufm, and subsequently as a design Engineer in the division of EADS CASA -antigua for the A400M programme. Since 2008 is part of the CDTI, first as the department of Technical Framework Programme, as the Head of the department of The framework programme, and subsequently as head of the division of European programmes.
Is a member of the spanish delegation in the strategic committee for programme H2020, spanish representative in the group of states members of the european institute of innovation and technology (EIT), member of the delegation of spain at the intergovernmental group of Airbus and member of the board of directors of ENSA (Nuclear Equipment, S.A.).
María Vega Gil Díaz holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of the Basque Country.
She has taken courses in Financial Engineering at the National Distance Education University Foundation and in Venture Capital at the IEB Business School.
She began her professional career in 1988 as an intern at the University–Company Foundation, working in the auditing department at Argentaria. She then worked as a risk analyst at Extebandes, a foreign bank subsidiary of Banco Exterior de España.
She has been a member of CDTI staff since 1991, working as a technician in the Financial Evaluation department. She has been Head of the Financial Evaluation Department since 2007 and more recently of the Finance and Investment Department.
She is currently Director of Certification and Public Procurement of Innovation and a member of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) council.
Consejo Asesor
Presidido por el Director General, el CDTI cuenta con un Consejo Asesor integrado por veinte talentos diversos con experiencia en el ámbito académico e investigador, en el asociacionismo sectorial, en plataformas y redes territoriales y en entidades relacionadas con el conocimiento innovador. Este órgano consultivo garantiza una capacidad de asesoramiento y conocimiento especializado multiplicador que aporta al CDTI orientación bien informada y capacitada en el despliegue del nuevo ciclo estratégico 2024-2027 en beneficio del ecosistema de la innovación español.
Organization chart
Professionalism, public-service and proximity, are some of the main features of our working team that constitutes the CDTI; more than 350 professionals who are committed to the mission, vision and values of the centre, with a high degree of qualification and professional specialization. 100 per cent are public employees, labour in the service of the General state administration, and 88 per cent are under recruitment.
Note: data to 31 december 2002
CDTI–SOST International Offices
While the majority of the CDTI infrastructure is located in Madrid, the Centre has a foreign network made up of:
- An office in Brussels (CDTI–SOST – Spain Office of Science and Technology).
- An office in Japan located in the Spanish Embassy in Tokyo (SBTO – Spain Business and Technology Office).
- Eight agencies located, respectively, in the Spanish Embassy Economic and Commercial Offices in Shanghai (China) and Washington, D.C. (USA), the Spanish Embassy in New Delhi (India) and in offices of counterpart bodies in Korea, Morocco, Mexico, Chile and Brazil by virtue of the Collaboration Agreements signed for this purpose.
Other sections of interest
Whowe are
The CDTI-E.P.E. is a public entity, under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities, which promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies.
Organizational values
The mission, vision and values of the CDTI are the elements that identify it, since they define why and for what it exists and what purposes make it possible.