The CDTI, such as Business Public Entity (SOES), is governed by law 40/2015 of 1 october, from The Legal Regime of the public Sector, law 14/2011, of 1 june, of science, technology and innovation and royal decree 1406/1986, of 6 june, approving the regulations of the Centro para el Desarrollo tecnológico Industrial.
Rules of procedure
Royal Decree 1406/1986, of 6 June, which approves the
Rules of procedure of the Centre for technological and industrial development
Ministry of industry and energy
« BOE » no. 162 of 8 july 1986
Reference: BOE-A-1986-18105
The CDTI has a code of ethics and conduct which includes the principles applied in its activity and patterns of conduct training of employees of the centre.The code brings together so much on the question of upholding the values inherent to the public service as it relates to the very values of CDTI.
The objective of the code is shifting to employees of CDTI what was expected of them in terms of ethical principles and conduct and give them the values that are based.
The leadership of CDTI ensuresdissemination, correct interpretation, implementation, compliance and respect for the principlesreporting the present Code Of Ethics and conduct.