
The office of science and technology of the congress of deputies offersReports C, short papers summary the regulatory context and reflected the technological and scientific evidence available.
Newsletters technological surveillance of CEPI
The Centre of Industrial and prospective Strategy, think tank promoted by the ministry of industry, commerce and tourism and the EOI Foundation,Newsletters technological surveillance, which seeks to bring the smes to specialized information and updated information on strategic industrial sectors.
THE ECCE studies and reports
The Centre of Strategy developed by Industrial and prospective studies and research, aimed at supporting the industrial sector english and to increasing knowledge on the part of society.
Icex reports
Market researchand other documents of foreign trade made by the ICEX Spain export and Investment.
Specialized reports on countries and sectors updated regularly.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2023
The european commission is preparing theEuropean Innovation Scoreboardprovides a comparative analysis of the performance of innovation in eu countries, other european countries and regional neighbours.
ONTSI publications
The national observatory for technology and society conducts studies and indicators, analyses policies and strategies, analyses trends, identifies good practices and processes, disseminates and exchange of knowledge in relation to these fields.
ONTSI documentation centre
TheDocumentation centreof the national observatory on technology and society is specialized in information resources, publications, magazines and statistics relating to the transformation and digital progress.
InINEbaseyou can find all the information that the national institute of statistics in electronic formats.
Studies and reports Enisa
Enisa studies and develops reports relating to entrepreneurial activity in spain and the impact of its aid in the companies financed.
Forecasting and Foresight
On the website of the chamber of commerce in Spain you can see what is theforecasting and foresightand why it is imperative for your company.
Observatory of Cotec Report
TheObservatory of Cotec Reportupdated in real time information available on strategic matters relating to innovation.
Informes El Referente
El Referente es la revista líder de información sobre startups e innovación en España, creada y dirigida por un joven y dinámico equipo de periodistas residentes en Madrid capital.