
Thegrantsthe CDTI arefinancial aid to the fund lost,generallyassociated to convocatoriaswith a deadline for submission (you can check always here thecalendar of tendersupdated) and driverstransferin thespanish ecosystem of corporate r & D, innovation and technology.

Imagen ayudas

Catalogue of CDTI subsidies:

  • NEOTEC: to support the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises (EBTs) based on the creation of lines of I + D + i own.
  • Aid for Technological Centres Cervera: to strengthen the technological centres which carry out applied research in Spain, as well as its role tractor throughout the Spanish System of Science, technology and innovation and their capacities in strategic technologies (priority technologies Cervera).
  • Science and innovation missions: to promote the transfer of knowledge and encourage collaboration between institutions and agents of the spanish system of Science, technology and innovation (SECTI), with a special attention to cooperation, through público-privada r & D & I projects in collaboration to propose solutions to cross-cutting and strategic challenges for society.
  • L missions Chip: for research projects pre, led by enterprises, focused on research relevant to propose solutions to cross-cutting challenges and strategic objectives of the spanish society, improve the knowledge base and technology in the supporting spanish companies to compete and stimulate cooperation público-privada.
  • Broadcastingmajor initiatives: strategies aimed at Missions, funded in a coordinated by the CDTI with other agencies (CSIC and ISCIII) focused on developing capacities científico-tecnológicas and innovation so that the spanish society and economy to move towards a more sustainable, secure and resilient.
  • Multi-Country projects: the spanish participation in r & D projects linked to the LOSS of health which will be conducted in collaboration with foreign entities.
  • Space Technology Program (PTE): para el apoyo a proyectos de I+D del "Programa Tecnológico Espacial" (PTE), vinculado al PERTE Aeroespacial.
  • Aeronautical Technology Program (PTA): for the financing of strategic initiatives intensive r & D, carried out by a grouping of companies, with the aim of contributing to the development of technologies relevant to implementation in the field of air that will help to significantly reduce the environmental impact.
  • Program Sustainable Automotive (PTAS): to support strategic projects to R & D in cooperation, led by enterprises, in implementation.
  • Innovation ecosystems: support and encouragement to the structures of open innovation partnerships that bring together actors or entities at local, regional and/or national origin whose aim is to promote and stimulate technological development and innovation to reform the spanish system of science, technology and Innovation and bringing it into line with international standards, through the development of their capacities and resources.
  • R & D projects, audio-visual and videogames: to finance projects of corporate R & D for audiovisual Areas and video games and their transfer and adaptation to other sectors of application.
  • IPCEI Important Project of Common European Interest of Health
  • SME support seal of excellence
  • CDTI-Eurostars
  • CDTI-Partenariados Pillar 2 (IS)
  • CDTI-Era-Net
  • KSSP National Financing
  • EuroHPC programme

Recalls that sectionCONTACT MAILBOXon the cover ofwww.cdti.esyou have the specific contact instruments to conduct consultations.

You can also access to specific pages of each modality in the following sections.

Multi-país projects

Space Technology Program (PTE)


Ecosistemas de Innovación

Ayudas Cervera para Centros Tecnológicos

Ayudas Neotec

Misiones Ciencia e Innovación

Misiones PERTE Chip

Programa Tecnológico Aeronáutico (PTA)

Proyectos de I+D, Audiovisual y Videojuegos

Programa Tecnológico de Automoción Sostenible (PTAS)

Ayudas PYMES Sello de Excelencia


CDTI-Partenariados Pilar 2 (SERA)


KSSP Financiación Nacional 

Programa EuroHPC

Proyecto Importante de Interés Común Europeo: IPCEI de Salud Med4Cure