R & D projects

Summary sheet of the assistance


CDTI projects r & D

Overall Objective

Support for r & D projects developed by companies and for the creation and significant improvement in production processes, products or services.

Can also include industrial research and experimental development.

There is no restriction on the industry or the technology to develop.



Call type

Open solicitation all year round.

Submission deadline

All year round.

Type of assistance

Help partially refundable.

Characteristics of the assitance

Fixed Euribor: 1 year.

The aid of up to 85 per cent of the approved budget.

The enterprise must contribute, at least 15 per cent of the budget with own resources.

The advance of up to 50 per cent of aid with limit of €300,000, with no requirement for additional guarantees.

Non-refundable tranche of between 10 per cent and 33 per cent of aid.

Redemption: 10 or 15 years including a lack between 2 and 3 years.

The CDTI may require the creation of security for the return of aid when the financial economic analysis of the company.

In his case, CDTI may use a reduction or exemption of the required assurances.

Characteristics of the project

Minimum budget: €175,000 eligible

Duration: 12 to 36 months. From 12 to 48 months for National cooperation projects.

May include third-party funds

Yes, the erdf and MRR.

Projects cofinanced from ERDF Funds need proper compliance with the principle DNSH.

Not in the case of dual technologies.

Allows for generating motivated reports


Gastos elegibles

All expenditure supported have been set aside exclusively or directly derived from the activity of r & D support.

They are eligible for aid staff costs; costs of equipment and material costs of contractual research, expertise and patents learned, consultancy and services equivalent supplementary; overhead costs and other costs derived from the project. They are also eligible expenditure arising from the report of the auditor and spending of the report of assessment of compliance of the principle DNSH.

External partnerships may not be higher than 65 per cent of eligible budget with a general nature.

You can outsource specific activities of the project to other companies or research bodies.

Evaluation criteria

Criterios oftechnical evaluation:

- Plan of commercial exploitation of the project.

- Tecnología e innovación.

- The company or partnership.

Assessment of socio-economic impact, gender perspective and sustainability.

Criterios offinancial evaluation:

- Analysis of the crisis.

- Analysis económico-financiero and venture capital.

- Analysis económico-financiero of the project.

- Adjustment económico-financiera of each company to companies in the project.

Incentive effect

The aid incentive effect if, before you start working in the project, the beneficiary has submitted a written request of CDTI aid.

Accumulation and incompatibilities of additional aid perception

- In the projects funded from the CDTI aid is incompatible with any other state aid at the same project (the exceptions envisaged in the tab tool).

- In co-financed projects with european funds managed by the CDTI, aid is compatible with any other public aid whenever their source of funding is not appropriate in the eu budget.

- Aid is incompatible with any private help whose source of funding source of funds from the eu budget.

Regulatory framework

This assistance will be adjusted to the requirements of the regulations (EU) no. 651/2014, the commission, 17 june 2014, which declared certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in implementation of articles 107 and 108 of the treaty (general regulations for exemption by category).