
In this section download files with the graphicsthe CDTI graphic identityand of other programmes and actions, as well as the implementing legislation. Please note that the elements blue arrow blue acronym and cannot be used alone and can only be used in its version combined with institutional identity of the ministry of science, innovation and universities and the government of spain.


For any question about the visual identity or your logos CDTI, you can write


Versionnot stripedis used tophysical media(posters or panels, stands, publications on paper, documents, etc)

Logo CDTI without physical flags
Versionwith bandsis used todigital media(webs, posts, banners graphics for social networks, videos - whether nativefor digital or for any other canal-, pdfs of agenda/powerpoint presentations for events, digital cards, etc.

Logo CDTI with flags to digital media
You can download the version you need in the following links.

Visual identityof Fondos FEDER

The Secretariat-General of european funds of the ministry of finance and Public Service provides visual identity for communication and dissemination of the structural funds and investment in spain.

Ministry of finance on visual identity concerning Fondos Europeos
The downloadable versions in this page include the CDTI logo, along with the european funds, which will be the versions should be used in the communication of projects managed by the centre with co-financing.
Logo Fondos Europeos

Communication projectFEMPA

The CDTI projects cofinanced by the european maritime and Fishing (FEMPA) must meet special requirements in respect of communication, which are contained in theGuide CDTI-FEMPA communication.
Logo Cofinanciado por la UE


Eureka has created an comprehensive guidelines brand identity to those who collaborate in its content, including: visual patterns, a glossary of terms and style guide content.
Brand identity of Eureka
Logotipo Eureka

If you have any queries about the logos please refer to:

The department of communication