Programmes and services

The CDTI has the status of financing agent for the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System within the scope of the central government, in accordance with Law 14/2011 of 1 June on Science, Technology and Innovation. Among other functions, it is responsible for managing the programmes or instruments assigned to it by the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research, fundamentally within the framework of business R&D.

At the bottom of this page, search engines are available to find the help that best suits the needs of the company.


Calendario de convocatorias

Información sobre las fechas más relevantes de las convocatorias abiertas

Imagen financiación

R&D Financing

It provides in-depth advice and guidance to the company on preparing an application for aid to the CDTI if it is considered to be eligible for such aid.

This must be carried out through the CDTI applications system, and therefore companies must be registered in the system. If this is not the case, the first step is to register in the system.



Internationalisation of R&D projects

Participation in international technology cooperation programmes allows participants to broaden their knowledge base, collaborate with leaders in the technology field and approach projects from a global perspective, as well as facilitating their entry into new markets.

Imagen fondos europeos

European funds

The European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds), which are jointly managed by the European Commission and EU countries, invest in job creation and a sustainable and healthy European economy and environment.

Imagen solicitud online

Other services

The CDTI offers a range of advisory and support services to companies to boost R&D activity in Spain.

Programmes matrix

The CDTI has the status of financing agent of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System in the field of the General State Administration, in accordance with Law 14/2011, of June 1, on Science, Technology and Innovation.

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This Walkthrough helps you find the most suitable #CDTIgrants for your business technology R&D and knowledge-based innovation projects.

Programmes index

This index helps you go through the different grants for your R&D business technology and innovation projects.