
The INNOGLOBAL Programme aims to promote international technology cooperation between Spanish companies.

Grants will be awarded to Spanish companies that participate in Multilateral (EUREKA and IBEROEKA) or Bilateral (Japan, China, India, Brazil, Russia, etc.) Programme projects, or in international unilateral certified projects approved by the CDTI, together with others related to their preparation to participate in tenders by research bodies and Large International Scientific Facilities, in accordance with the priorities established in the State Programme for the Promotion of Business Leadership in R&D.

The main objective of this aid, which is granted through the INNOGLOBAL Call for Applications, is to support intense international action by Spanish companies, taking up the challenge to improve our weight in global R&D and exert a catalysing effect capable of increasing the number of international cooperation projects close to the market, to mobilise private investment, generate employment and help improve the country's technological balance.