Multi-país projects

Multi-país Projects fall into the "transfer programme" and collaboration of the state Plan of scientific and technical research and Innovation (PEICTI) (2024-2027). Specifically, it is located in the "Subprogramme for further collaboration within and between Public and private sectors" that provides for the financing of r & D & I projects in collaboration, both between various private actors such as with OPIs and universities, whose objective is to propose solutions to cross-cutting and strategic challenges for society.

Similarly, the convening "Multi-país" is the backdrop to the cross-cutting programme on Internationalization of "" PEICTI, which aims to leverage funding for r & D projects of an international character to enhance the presence of Spain in r + D + I, in particular its role in the european research area, facilitating collaboration with foreign partners.

In addition, the Addition of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience includes new proceedings in the investments of Component called "17 institutional reform and strengthening the capacities of the national system of science, technology and innovation", including, within the Investment 6 "" Health, the strengthening and internationalization of industrial capacities in the health sector in the area of r & D projects multi-país linked to the LOSS of health.

Summary sheet of the assistance


Support for the spanish participation in r & D projects linked to the LOSS of health which will be conducted in collaboration with foreign entities.

Overall Objective

Projects should be grouped in the area of health, understood as the promotion and protection of health through the development and incorporation of products, innovative procedures and digital solutions that add value in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment or rehabilitation of patients in a personalized way.

Must meet the development of stronger capacities and strategic autonomy, based on:

  • Promote the use of large medical breakthroughs in therapeutic areas help strengthen the health of tomorrow and improve the quality in health care of patients.
  • Strengthening eu strategic autonomy, in particular through the development of innovative production processes over the entire value chain.
  • Contribute to building a industrial ecosystem able to match those unmet medical needs and prepare for health crises, with the objective of strengthening the resilience in europe.
  • Improving robotización digitisation and the health sector, including diagnosis and treatment, as well as sustainable production and innovative.

In addition, to strengthen the scientific and technological capabilities of the health sector, are subject to the convening those projects aimed at addressing implies a clear need technical assistance, as in the area of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and monitoring of pathologies of any therapeutic Area and whose content represents a significant technological leapfrogging.


The spanish part of the r & D project international technology cooperation should be carried out individually by a single entity beneficiary (company).

Call type

Seek bound presentation.

Submission deadline

Aperture: 20 june 2024.

Closure: 17 july 2024 the 12:00 o'clock, peninsular time.

Call Status


Type of assistance


Call budget

40.000.000 euros.

The grants are funded from within the budgetary implementation 28.50.46QF.74946 the overall budgets of the State of 2023.

Characteristics of the assitance

Subvention to the extent of maximum intensity: 65 per cent large company, 75 per cent medium-sized enterprises and 80 per cent.

The amount of aid is determined by the eligible cost real project, the size and type of beneficiary, project development in assisted areas and the availability of budgetary resources with respect, in any case, the thresholds and maximum assistance limits provided for in the intensity applicable regulations.

Characteristics of the project

Fundable actions of the spanish participation should take the form of industrial research and/or development pilot project.

Minimum eligible budget: €175,000.

Duration: multiannual projects will be and will end on 31 december 2026. Part of them should be conducted in the year 2024 so that, in any event, they should seek assistance to 2024.

Companies will receive an advance of 100 per cent of aid at the time of granting, without guarantees.

Call funding

These are included in the proceedings and investments covered by the National Plan for recovery, transformation and Resilience, which will receive financing from the funds "Next Generation EU", including the mechanism for the recovery and resilience of the european Union.

They will not be subject to help those proceedings, directly or indirectly cause significant harm the environment ("principle DNSH", by its initials in english), in accordance with article 17 of the rules of procedure (EU) 2020/852 of the european parliament and the council of 18 june 2020 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investments.

May only be selected activities comply with environmental legislation relevant national and european.

May include third-party funds

Funds from the Addition of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.

Allows for generating motivated reports

Yes, once granted aid.

Specific objectives
  • Spanish companies can work with foreign entities that carry out their activity of r & D in the project in the following countries:

Albania, germany, saudi arabia, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, brazil, Bulgaria, cape Verde, canada, cambodia, Colombia, south korea, ivory coast, Costa Rica, croatia, Cuba, Chile, China, cyprus, czech republic, dominican republic, denmark, Ecuador, usa, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, slovakia, slovenia, Estonia, finland, france, Ghana, greece, Guatemala, netherlands, Honduras, hungary, India, Indonesia, iceland, ireland, italy, japan, jordan, Kuwait, Laos, latvia, lebanon, Lithuania, luxembourg, Macedonia, malaysia, Malta, Mauritania, morocco, Mexico, monaco, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nicaragua, norway, oman, panama, Paraguay, peru, poland, Portugal, Qatar, united kingdom, romania, San Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, south africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, switzerland, taiwan, thailand, tunisia, turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, Viet Nam.

  • It will require a partnership agreement signed and sealed by all participants of the r & D project international technology cooperation, with the minimum contents set out in annex I to the summons.
Gastos elegibles

Are the following direct costs:

  • Staff costs
  • Costs of equipment and material inventariable
  • Costs of contractual research, expertise and patents acquired or obtained by license from external sources, as well as the costs of consultancy services equivalent and designed exclusively to the project.
  • Overhead and other additional operating costs arising directly from the project.
  • Travel costs arising directly from the project, up to a limit of 10,000 euros.
  • Expenditure of the report of an auditor inscribed on the ROAC, of up to 2,500 euros.

Indirect costs: shall be calculated by applying a figure of 20% on total direct costs in question.

Subcontracting: you can reach up to a maximum of 70 per cent of eligible budget of each beneficiary.

It cannot be subcontracted to the foreign entity participating in the draft international cooperation.

In the case of subcontracting, grantee of aid will provide for mechanisms to ensure that subcontractors comply with the principle DNSH.

Evaluation criteria

The evaluation of requests to be undertaken in accordance with the assessment criteria provided for in article 21.1 letter b of the order CNU 462/2024, of 10 may.

Incentive effect

The aids will have an incentive effect, so that before you start working in the project, the beneficiary entity has had applied for assistance to this call.

Accumulation and incompatibilities of additional aid perception

The aid provided under this call will be incompatible with any other emergency assistance, upon or after granted, whose purpose is the same purpose.

Regulatory framework

The aid which are regulated in this call is determined, as well as by the provisions of the same and in the respective resolution of granting, by the existing rules are of application and, in particular, under article 36 of the order CNU/462/2024, of 10 may.