R & D projects and Videojuegos Audiovisual:
  • Grants to projects of development of new technologies, for the implementation of the audiovisual field and video games.
  • Grants to projects of development of innovative technologies sphere of video games or audiovisual work for its implementation in other environments.

Summary sheet of the assistance


Call for the year 2022 the granting of subsidies for projects of corporate r & D to the areas of audiovisual and video games, and the transfer and adaptation of these developments on other sectors of implementation, within the framework of the impetus to the Audiovisual Sector Spain Audiovisual Hub of europe, the “ Spain Digital Agenda 2025 ”, the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience and the State Plan of scientific research, technological and Innovation 2021-2023.


Small and medium-sized enterprises.

Call type

Seek bound presentation.

Submission deadline

Since 28 may to 12 july 2002, at 12:00 o'clock, peninsular time.

Publication in Website.

Call Status


Type of assistance


Call budget
  • By Resolution of 7 december 2021 by the secretariat of State for telecommunications and Infraestructuras Digitales (SETELECO), the ministry of economic and Digital Transformation, providing funding from the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, CDTI for the realization of a call for subsidies to the promotion of the audiovisual production sector and video games, in the framework of the state Plan of R + D + I.
  • eur 30 million.
Characteristics of the assitance
  • R & D projects implemented individually, by a single beneficiary.
  • Minimum eligible budget: €175,000.
  • Maximum eligible budget: €2,000,000.
  • Experimental development activities: weight more than 60 per cent of eligible budget.
  • Balanced budget distribution throughout the duration of the project.
  • Duration: multiannual. Start by 2022. Finalization on 31 december 2023 or 2024.
  • Subcontracting: maximum of 50 per cent of the budget be financed.
  • In case of subcontracting was carried out with entities with links to the recipient must be the CDTI authorization.
Characteristics of the project
  • This programme has a 100 per cent of digital contribution, which is why the activity of the beneficiary supported should contribute Fully to the transition.
  • All the actions financed within the framework of this year must respect the principle not to cause significant harm to the environment (principle DNSH: Do Not Significant Harm), which carries with specific conditions.
  • The threshold of intensity of support for each project and will benefit a weighted average, depending on the distribution of the budget between each type of activity (industrial research or experimental development) and the maximum intensity of aid to the beneficiary and the activity.
Call funding
  • This call is included in the proceedings described in the national Plan of recovery, transformation and Resilience, that funding from the Next Generation funds “ US ”, including the mechanism for the recovery and resilience, prescribed by regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the european parliament and the council of 12 february 2021.
  • This call of grants is included in investment 1 “ support to smes in the audiovisual sector ” component 25 of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, consisting of support for the digitization of smes and the audiovisual sector, promoting gender equality, internationalization and attraction of foreign direct investment.
Allows for generating motivated reports


Gastos elegibles
  • Staff costs.
  • Costs of equipment and material inventariable.
  • Costs of contractual research, expertise and patents acquired or obtained by license from external sources, as well as the costs of consultancy services equivalent and designed exclusively to the project (not associated with the management of funding requested).
  • Overhead and other operating costs.
  • Gastos arising from the report of the auditor, up to 1,500 per beneficiary.
Regulatory framework
  • Order CIN/373/2022, of 26 april was promulgated, approving the regulatory basis for granting public aid, by the Centro para el Desarrollo tecnológico Industrial E.P.E., r & D projects and new entrepreneurial projects of the state Plan of Scientific and technical research and Innovation 2021-2023, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
  • Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014 of the commission, of 17 june 2014, which declared certain categories of subsidies compatible with the internal market in implementation of articles 107 and 108 of the treaty.
  • Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the european parliament and of the council of 12 february 2021, establishing the mechanism for the recovery and resilience.
  • Other rules of the european Union on the subject of development and state or transposition of those.

Documentation calls

Processing of calls