Policy network (R & D & I)

General Description

IDI network The Network of policies of I + D + I, better known as IDI Network, is a thematic network linked to the european Regional development fund (ERDF). The Network IDI arose at the end of 2010 as an instrument of multilevel strategic coordination to support research, development and innovation in Spain.

Themain objectivethe network is to coordinate the different actors of the spanish system of science, technology and innovation to optimize the design and development of frameworks for public support to r + D + I, thereby facilitating the mobilization of resources and access to financing from the european cohesion policy and, in particular, the erdf. This prime objective is complemented by a number ofspecific objectives:

  • Facilitate coordination and cooperation between administrations responsible for policies for r + D + I and the management of erdf funds of the AGE and of the CC. AA.
  • Evitar solapamientos en la definición de programas y en el uso de los recursos de I+D+I.
  • Support the preparation, monitoring and evaluation requirements and criteria favorecedora status set out in the ERDF regulation with regard to r + D + I
  • To promote the exchange of information, participatory communication and dissemination of the activities and major achievements.

On the basis of these objectives are organized activities of the network IDI, through annual normally work, which fall underStrategic Plan of the network of policies of I + D + I. Period 2021-2027published in april 2023. The functioning of the network IDI is reflected in itsRules Of Procedure.

Currently, the network and its various activities are directly related to the political objective 1, “ europe more competitive and more intelligent through the promotion of innovative economic transformation and intelligent and a regional connectivity in the field of ict ”,European Regional development fund (ERDF)and cofinanced through the technical assistance of Spain Plurirregional (P.O.P.E.) and the centre for technological development and innovation (CDTI), under the ministry of Science and innovation, who is now responsible for the technical secretariat of the network IDI.

For its part, the network IDI is recognized as one of theofficersSpanish System of science, technology and innovation (SECTI) which is composed of all public and private actors for the coordination, funding and implementation and their relationship, structures, measures and actions for the promotion, development and support the policy of I + D + I in Spain.

Structure of the network of policies of I + D + I

The Network IDIintegrates into its structure to the most relevant actors of the ecosystem of public policies of I + D + Iin spain. There are three levels of representation, the european level, state and autonomous community and also three distinct Bodies: the standing committee, the plenary and the technical secretariat.

  • TheThe Standing Committeeit is shared by the ministry with responsibility for european funds, specifically with competences in the european Regional development fund (ERDF) and by the ministry with responsibility for Policies of I + D + I. The european commission will be able to play the role of Advisory body of the standing committee at his request.
  • TheFullis the body made up of network members and serves as a main crossroads of all of them.
  • TheTechnical Secretariatas the main body of support to the standing committee, providing technical assistance as necessary to ensure the proper performance of its functions. From the Centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI).

For more information:www.redpolíticasidi.es