Innvierte programme

Joint investment instrument for the development of advanced therapies and other innovative drugs. Expressions of interest.

Summary sheet of the assistance


Expressions of interest relating to the constitution of an investment vehicle público-privada with form of a corporation for the development of medicine, therapies and/or advanced technologies, innovative and emerging with firms with production capacity, embedded in the Strategic Project recovery and Economic Transformation (LOSS) for the health of Vanguard adopted by agreement of the council of ministers of 30 november 2021, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.

The corporate entity will be to create 51 per cent of private partners, while public input (49 per cent) will take place through Innvierte, a corporation owned 100 per cent of the CDTI, which operates under spanish law of risk capital.

It is estimated that the sociedad-vehículo will have between 200 and 250 million under governance among the public and private commitments.

Overall Objective

To identify companies with the industrial and financial capacity necessary to participate in the constitution of the sociedad-vehículo referred to in the performance.



  • Formed in accordance with its own legal personality at the time of submission of the expression of interest and tax residency in Spain.
  • They are not incursas bans the recruitment of draft article 71 of law 9/2017, of 8 november, on public Sector contracts.
  • The industrial and financial capacity required to commit to the respective financial contributions necessary for financing the initiative.
Call type

Call for expressions of interest, governed by private law.

Submission deadline

The deadline for submission of the expressions of interest will begin the day23 march 2023 and will end on 20 april 2023, 12:00 o'clock, peninsular time.

Characteristics of the assitance

Expressions of interest could be referred individually or in the form of collaboration of several companies for their joint assessment. In the latter case, each and every partner societies must present their own expression of interest, to identify at the same to the other partners and provide the partnership agreement.

In all cases, they shall submit a dossier of "" company to support the industrial capacity, the curriculum vitae of the expert team and the latest annual accounts stored in order to certify the financial capacity.

The selection of candidates does not create any right to the selected address Innvierte beyond it to enter into negotiations for the conclusion of the covenant.

Characteristics of the project

Expressions of interest, besides completing the statements on compliance with requirements in the system and bring to societies partners, if any, should include the documentation related below (in PDF format and no more than in any case, the 6 mb of information):

  • "Dossier" company to support the industrial capacity of society (up to 40 pages, with no account in their analysis the pages that exceed this extension).
  • Curriculum vitae of the expert team.
  • Recent annual accounts.
Call funding

This call is included among the actions envisaged in the national Plan for recovery, transformation and Resilience, which will receive the financing of the funds "Next Generation EU", including the mechanism for the recovery and resilience, and should meet the conditions and requirements associated with it, among them, to respect the principle of non-cause significant harm the environment (principle DNSH: Do Not Significant Harm).