The CDTI Innovation organizes the Spanish Flag of the Big Science Business Forum 2024
The Big Science Business Forum (BSBF) is a great industrial event brings large european research infrastructures geared towards science and technology.

The main objective of thiscongressinternational to be held in Trieste (Italy) from 1 to 4 october 2024, is to bring about a meeting place between the research infrastructure and industry and provide a joint visibility to all opportunities within the industrial market of science. After two editions, the Big Science Business Forum has been consolidated as the main congress of industry of science in europe.
Next year will be attended by the organizing committeeCERN,THIS,THAT,ESRF,ESS,European XFEL,FAIR,F4E,ILLandSKAOin addition to other organizations such as theEinstein Telescope. It hoped to overcome the2nd the number of delegates and businesses.
The spanish flag of BSBF2024
TheCDTI InnovationorganizeFlag of Spainin the Area of issuesBSBF2024. This flag will have an area of 48 m2 which will host the CDTI exhibition area of Innovation,Ministry of science and innovation,Technological platform of Industry of scienceand our spaces for ten companies. Each company will have a space of 4 square meters (2 m x 2 m).
The cost of participation is 2,500 EUR + vat.
Expressions of interest
The CDTI Innovation launches aCall for expressionsof interest to companies interested in forming part of the flag of Spain. Companies interested may send your applicationclicking on “ Application of space in the spanish flag ”that is in thislink, starting from next23 octoberto10:00 h. The deadline for requesting exhibition space in the flag of Spain is the6 novemberto the12:00 h. The Only registration may be made online and will not be addressed petitions prior to the date of opening or received by other means.
The information that needs to be complete is as follows:
1. The name of the company
2. Contact for the spanish booth: name, telephone and e-mail
3. Type of company: Small/medium/large
4. Civil works and infrastructure/Mechanics and optomecánica/Electricity and power electronics/Electronics and opto-electronics/Materials and advanced manufacturing/Criogenia and empty/Manipulation and robotics remote Diagnosis sensors/instrumentation and Control systems/Information and communications technologies/Other
5. Technological field company secondary: Idem
6. Activities of the company: plain text (ceiling: 1000 characters)
7. Main contracts with european organisations of Big Science (ceiling: 2000 characters)
Companies are those eligible to submit the form on time, whose technology areas to be represented on BSBF2024 and who participate or who have participated in contracts of at least two members of european organizations BSBF2024: CERN, ESA, That, ESRF, ESS, European XFEL, FAIR, F4E, ILL and SKAO.
Over the process of eligibility, the selection of companies will “ first-come, first-serve ”, taking into account the following:
• at least 60 per cent of the exhibitors will be Smes.
• these, at least 40 per cent are small businesses.
• enlist all technological areas of BSBF2024 are represented in the spanish booth.
In the enclosure can access the details of the call for expressions of interest.
The CDTI Innovation and Science
The CDTI innovation is the agency of the ministry of science and innovation that supports innovation based on knowledge, advice and providing public funding for innovation through subsidies or aid partly refundable for innovation and managing public procurement, pre-commercial.
In addition, the CDTI works in the area of industry of science, to promote the search of opportunities aimed at improving the technological training of spanish companies in this sector in the short, medium and long term. Through its funding tools r + D + i and its business support services as a focal point with industry, optimizes the return of large industrial Scientific Facilities in the international arena in which Spain is contributing as a member country and the Scientific and technical Facilities Unique (ICTS).
It also facilitates the internationalization of business projects of r & D and innovation of spanish companies and entities and manages the participation of spanish companies in international r & D, Horizon and Eureka, Europe and in industries of science and space.
The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science and innovation.
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