The CDTI Innovation spreads Inicitiva Pre-Commercial Public procurement for the development of an application very useful for monitoring and rescue at sea,

This initiative public Purchase Innovation refers to pre-commercial procurement of services of r & D for the development of an application that, based on Artificial intelligence algorithms, perform the tasks of detection, identification and classification of boats from satellite images and provide an aid system very effective decision-making in real time

Earth observation satellites and Artificial Intelligence, contribute positively to the operations for maritime surveillance

Need raised by a Public Administration

The set of activities relating to maritime monitoring comprises a large number of tasks including marine traffic control, detection of illegal activities, the monitoring of areas of interest, the identification and tracking of ships and those relating to the rescue at sea.

Use the information provided by earth observation satellites and the techniques based on artificial intelligence, thanks to its flexibility in the automation of repetitive activities, and easy to recognize predefined patterns, facilitate maritime surveillance operations and decision-making.

The technological challenge raised

The main challenge of this activity is the creation of an information system that integrates satellite data of high and very high resolution satellite provided by the SAR and/or optical media V/GO and that, thanks to the development of algorithms of Artificial Intelligence, to facilitate the detection, identification and classification of boats, and the associated decision-making, in near real time.

The system should integrate maritime system (AIS (Automatic Identification System), as well as other from open sources, such as those provided free of charge by the systemCopernicusthe atmosphere service (AEMET, EUMETSAT),European Marine Observation and data Nerwork(EOMDnet), or that facilitates Puertos del Estado.

The merger of the information on the element detected, identified and classified along with other information (geolocation, missions, Étc.) contextualizará and facilitate various work carried out in the maritime environment.

In thislinkyou can find more information about this tender.

The deadline for submission of tenders shall be open until11/12/2023 at 14:00 h

This initiative is financed from funds allocated by theCDTI InnovationandMechanism for the recovery and resilience (MRR)in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience (PRTR), funded by the european Union – NEXTGENERATIONEU.

Public purchase innovation

The Purchase of Innovation (ICC) is a tool to promote innovation from the public sector, through the acquisition of innovative solutions and solutions in the process of development.

From 2018,CDTI Innovationconsolidates the icc in the form of Pre-Commercial Public Purchase (CPP). Through this instrument, the services of CDTI acquires R & D to develop prototypes of first products or services, in the form of test series technologically innovative, and that would meet public needs. The prototype developed within the framework of these Cpc caving in to spanish Public Entity that is interested in the same and to provide the necessary environment for real validate the technology developed. The prototype will be used only as a technology demonstrator, in order to validate technology, not for commercial purposes. These initiatives are co-financed mainly from european funds.

This Centre develops a prospective constant technology needs assessments that may have public Sector entities english, to create a map of demand.TO


The CDTI innovation is the agency of the ministry of science and innovation that supports innovation based on knowledge, advice and providing public funding for innovation through subsidies or aid partly refundable for innovation and managing public procurement precommercial. Through the initiative Innvierte Sustainable Economy, in addition, the CDTI Innovation supports and facilitates the capitalization of technology companies.

The CDTI Innovation also facilitates the internationalization of business projects of r & D and innovation of spanish companies and entities and manages the participation of spanish companies in international r & D, Horizon and Eureka, Europe and in industries of science and space.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science and innovation.

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