The CDTI Innovation published the results of r & D projects in cooperation and ending in 2021 and 2022

Since the reports, you can access information on the results generated by 1,736 individual projects and 529 projects in cooperation, including programme 100 (research consortia Experts)

All projects have been funded by the CDTI under the instrument of aid Partly Refundable

The CDTI innovation has published theReport of interactive monitoring 2023with two sectionsr & D projectsindividualcooperationin both cases completed in 2021-2022.

Since the report, are available the values of different indicators by technological Area and extract data segmented, for example, to SMES or for projects cofinanced from FEDER founds.

The Panel of monitoring indicators provides an overview of the results of these projects, including:

  • El 39% de los proyectos de I+D individuales genera empleo en I+D
  • The rate of non-existing innovations in the market is 60 per cent, which puts them in a position of technological leadership.
  • Cooperation with research centres takes place approximately in 40 per cent of the projects, except in the agenda A HUNDRED, where they reach 72 per cent.

Indicators of the Panel are available for technological areas and also provided for each Autonomous Community.


Monitoring Panel r & D projects completed in individual 2021-2022.

A first bloc of indicators described projects and companies that develop (such as the number of employees, the age of the company or a percentage of sales that goes to r & D).

Other information you will find reflected in the interactive report are the effects that it has the support of CDTI in the strategy of r & D of the beneficiary enterprises of aid, the types of innovation in higher and lower percentage, the effects of these innovations in productive activity, employment and training of personnel, or the trade and investment envisaged arising from the project. It Also presents the results on industrial property, including the number of patents and trademarks or the reasons why companies decided not to patent.

In the projects in cooperation, comprise four additional indicators: promoters of cooperation, to locate the main actors promoting consortia; the difficulties encountered the different actors at the time to cooperate; the most important results of cooperation; and the consolidation of this cooperation, as the possible partnerships technical assistance to medium/long-term with partners or through participation in other programmes of technological collaboration with partners.


Resultados de la cooperación. Proyectos de I+D en cooperación finalizados en 2021-2022

Users of interactive report may send their comments and suggestions to CDTI through thisquestionnaire

As a complement to the interactive report a summary of key results in the document available on theInforme CDTI de monitorización de resultados 2023. Proyectos de I+D finalizados en 2021-2022

CDTI Innovation

The CDTI Innovation is the agency for financing innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities.

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