Operational programNavarra

Under an addition to the agreement on attribution of roles between the department of community funds of the ministry of finance and public authorities and the Centro para el Desarrollo tecnológico Industrial, this centre will act as Intermediary of the authority of programme management Operational ERDF 2007/2013 of the community of navarre, through the design and implementation of the tools necessary for the promotion of innovation and technological development of a company based in this community.

Imagen principal fondo europeos

Research and development projects (Operational Programme ERDF de Navarra)

In these research and development projects co-financing with the operational programme (PO) ERDF of navarre provided to the enterprise a loan of up to 85 per cent of the budget and not a tranche rembolsable up to 20% for Smes and 15 per cent for large companies. This cofinancing subject always to the availability of funds in this Operational programme.

Payments of the loan will be implemented as they implement and certify the project milestones. The company may choose an advance of the 25% of the aid granted to a limit of up to 200,000 €, without requirement of an additional guarantee to the approved financial conditions for the financing of the project. In Addition, companies can opt for an advance payment of 50 per cent or 75 per cent are guarantees of financial entities or mutual guarantee societies with solvency enough in the opinion of the CDTI, for the over-advance on the 25 per cent.

The formalization of aid will be conducted through the contract between the beneficiary, as well as the CDTI.

The implementation of the projects will not be able to conclude after 30 june 2015.

Requests should be submitted for air transport telematics electronic headquarters CDTI:https :// sede.cdti.gob.es/

Selection criteria

Projects cofinanced from the PO ERDF of navarre as forms open - there are areas or technological lines predeterminadas- with what the first criterion is excellence científico-técnica. Also, in this first approach, taking into account in the r & D projects:

  • Adaptation to the objectives of the Operational programme.
  • Feasibility and científico-técnica quality of the proposal.
  • Opportunity or possibility of the outcome of the financial activity report socio-económicos benefits expected.
  • Alignment of financial resources provided to the objectives and financial capacity of the company.
  • An environmental character (Priority Theme 06)

Obligations of beneficiaries of ERDF funding

The acceptance of ERDF funding implies certain obligations on the part of the company, uniquely in the area of dissemination and acceptance of any checks and audits. These obligations are reflected in national regulations and of the european union for the management of the ERDF funds, and is available in the Related Documentation (right column), and that the beneficiary of this type of funding.

Listed below are some of the obligations and conditions of the beneficiary of ERDF funding:

  • The operations cofinanced by the erdf must advertise by publishing the list of beneficiaries, the name of the actions supported and the amount of aid given. The acceptance of the financing implies acceptance to be included in this list of beneficiaries.
  • The final beneficiaries of ERDF aid must inform the public aid obtained. The beneficiary must inform the public aid obtained through the placement of a baking sheet with the emblem of the eu, the European Union text "", the text "Project co-financed by the erdf and the slogan" "A way of making europe" at local level in the development of the project, in accordance with article 8 and 9 of the rules of procedure 1828/2006 of the commission. It Also accepts disseminated business forums or any media appearances in spreading the project or the products derived from it, the fact of erdf support.
  • According to article 90 of the regulation (EC) no 1083/2006 of the council of 11 july by establishing the general provisions relating to the european Regional development fund, the supporting documents originals (invoices and documents of probative value equivalent) expenses and corresponding audits should be maintained at the disposal of the commission and the court of auditors for a period of three years after the decommissioning of the programme, this date may be extended beyond 2020.

Information on the justification of expenditure

Below we inform you of the geographical criterion which should take into account when making/s justification/is spending relative/s to projects cofinanced by the erdf:

If aid CDTI, your company is a beneficiary, is funded through the ERDF PO ERDF of the community of navarre, your company is obliged to comply with the national and community regulations relating to community funds collected in the contract between your company and CDTI and staff costs against the draft itself must correspond to release staff in some form of work of the community of navarre.

The proof of this condition is the TC2 for workers in the General Social security costs. The failure to follow this status will not be considered eligible and cannot be cofinanced.

Note on the charging of overhead projects co-financed by the ERDF PO of navarre:

The amount of overhead which shall be eligible for the purposes of applying for eu cofinancing of aid, will be the result of implementing the CDTI method proposed by the General Intervention of state administration (IGAE), supported by the secretariat and communicated to the authority of programme management, dated 19 july 2012.

This method provides a lump sum and is based on the calculation of a maximum rate of eligibility, for each operation or project, of overheads to certify. This percentage was established during the time of adoption of each operation. The overhead charge to each operation shall direct to the actual cost of this project by the weighted average general cost allocation sector calculated the average company that comes from a pro rata basis between general expenditures and actual total cost of staff in the sector that provides CDTI, limit for the indirect costs found on the basis of this lump sum may not exceed 20% of direct costs.