Summary sheet of the assistance


2021 NEOTEC Grants

Overall Objective

Finance the launch of new business projects which require the use of technologies or knowledge developed from research activities and in which the business strategy is based on technological development.


Innovative small companies.

They must be small companies that are considered innovative companies, as indicated in the Funding Rules (Articles 3.1 and Annex 1, Order CNU/1308/2018 of 28 November 2018).

They must also meet the following requirements:

  1. They must not be listed on a stock exchange, except for alternative trading platforms.
  2. They must have been set up no more than three years prior to the closing date for the submission of applications for aid under this call, counting from the date on which the company's deed of incorporation was executed, which must be at least six months prior to the closing date for the submission of applications for aid.
  3. They must not have distributed profits.
  4. They must not have arisen from a concentration, as defined in Article 7 of Law 15/2007 of 3 July on the Defence of Competition.
  5. They must have a minimum share capital, or share capital plus issue premium, of €20,000, paid in full, and be fully recorded in the corresponding registry prior to the submission of the application. For these purposes, the registration date shall be the date of the registration entry.
  6. They must have filed their annual accounts with the Commercial Registry or corresponding official register for the last two financial years, if applicable.

For more information, please check the call for applications.


Call type

Competitive tendering with submission periods.

Submission deadline

Del 17 de mayo hasta el 8 de julio de 2021, a las 12.00 horas del mediodía, hora peninsular.

Call Status


Type of assistance


Call budget


Characteristics of the assitance

Subsidies up to 70% of the activity budget, with a grant of up to €250,000 per beneficiary.

Activities that include the employment of at least one PhD graduate, under the terms set out in Annex 2 of the call for applications, may be financed up to 85% of the eligible budget for the activity, with a grant of up to €325,000 per beneficiary.

Characteristics of the project

Minimum eligible budget: €175,000.

Projects lasting one or two years. They shall start on or after 1 January 2022 and may end on 31 December 2022 in the case of a one-year project or on 31 December 2023 in the case of a two-year project.

Call funding

Recovery and Resilience Facility

Next Generation EU funds

Beneficiaries shall assume all obligations arising from EU Regulation 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council on 12 February 2021, which establishes the Recovery and Resilience Facility, and other Community or national rules applicable to this funding.

Allows for generating motivated reports


Specific objectives

New business projects which require the use of technologies or knowledge developed from research activity and in which the business strategy is based on technological development.

Priority is given to the incorporation of people with PhDs in the company to reinforce its capacity to absorb and generate knowledge.

Grants may be awarded to business projects in any technological and/or sectoral field. However, business models that are mainly based on services to third parties and don't involve in-house technology development are not eligible for this call.

Initiatives that do not clearly reflect the continuity of technological development in their business plan, or those which directly or indirectly cause significant harm to the environment or aim to improve the efficiency of fossil fuels, will not be eligible either.

Funding will be provided for costs arising from the launch of a new business project by an innovative company, provided that they are included in the business plan and are necessary for the development of the project.

The following expenditure may be funded: a) Investment in equipment, b) Staff members, c) Materials, d) External collaborations/consultancy, and (e) Other costs: rent, supplies, royalties and licences, applying for and maintaining patents and other industrial property rights, insurance and costs arising from the auditor's report. The latter may be up to €2000 per beneficiary, per year.

Evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria, as indicated in the call, are as follows:




1. Assessment of the commercial operational plan for the project. This includes the business model, predicted revenue generation, market potential, barriers to market entry, competition and product/process/service advantages.



2. Assessment of the project technology and innovation. This includes the proposed technology, the technological need and its differential value, innovation and the technical challenge. The intellectual and industrial property management plan will also be analysed, and the quality and clarity of the proposal presentation will be taken into account.



3. Assessment of the management capacity of the team involved in business development. This includes competence and prior professional training and experience in relation to the project. The degree of commitment and dedication of the technical and management team to the business project and their relational skills will also be taken into account, and the team's links with networks and environments that support entrepreneurship will be assessed.



4. Assessment of the socio-economic and environmental impact. This includes the predicted job creation covered in the business plan, private investments mobilised and measures aimed at gender equality, social inclusion and sustainability.



For an application to be eligible, it must have a final mark of 50 points or above, respecting the minimum marks required for each of the criteria.

Applications that do not reach the threshold of 21 points required for Criterion 2: Assessment of the project technology and innovation, will be rejected without the other criteria being assessed.

Documentation calls

Processing of calls