The CDTI invests, together with NARA CAPITAL, in Tesai Care SL, medical devices to prevent and treat respiratory muscle atrophy electrostimulation with non-invasive
The CDTI Innovation invests, together with NARA HEALTH CAPITAL I, F.C.R., TESAI CARE S.L., a start-up of medical technology that develops heecap ®, medical device of the non-invasive electrostimulation and custom designed to prevent and treat the atrophy respiratory muscle (diaphragm and abdominal) in patients who are in Intensive care units (UCI) supports Mechanical Ventilation and works in a synchronized with the patient

TheCDTI Innovationthrough its programme, together with InnvierteNARA HEALTH CAPITAL I, F.C.R., has reached an agreement with the partners of TESAI CARE, S.L., to enter the capital of the company.
Tesai Care is a spanish medtech spin-off Parc Taulí Hospital and Hospital Vall d ’ Hebron that is developing heecap ® a device that provides a Unique treatment strategy in the area of health, based on the non-invasive electrical stimulation to maintain the strength of respiratory muscle in patients who need support mechanical ventilation (VM).
The VM is a technique that saves lives in critical patients, but presents a major challenge: 76 per cent of patients ventilated develop respiratory muscle atrophy because prolonged disused diaphragm and other respiratory muscles, a problem that affects more than 3 million people per year throughout the world. This weakness makes the disconnection of ventilation, which prolonged stays in the UCI and delay recovery.
The device heecap ® uses estimulación eléctrica transcutánea de los músculos Respiratorios (TERM, by its initials in english), sincronizándose with the patient to strengthen the muscles inspiratorios and espiratorios. With this technique, is to upgrade the muscular strength and facilitate the process of disengagement from the mechanical ventilation.
The device consisting of three main components: electrodes being placed on the patient and adapt in a personalized way, a device of electrical stimulation, and an algorithm that synchronizes the stimulation with respiratory cycles.
Tesai Care launched last october a clinical trial with the device heecap ®, after the approval of the spanish agency of medicines and Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS), for the purpose of confirming the safety and integrity of the system, as well as to confirm that the algorithm operates with precision.
Heecap device being used by a nurse in Hospital Parc Taulí
The funds contributed by CDTI INNVIERTE and NARA CAPITAL combined with public and private financing, the company will enable progress in clinical studies needed for the market heecap ®, with the purpose of seeking the CE marking as a health product in 2026.
heecap ® has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life of patients critics, accelerating their autonomy, reducing the days of mechanical ventilation and income in the UCI, and reducing potential complications to income, such as infections. According to the canadian medical recognized intensivista Ewan Goligher, “ technical approximation heecap has the potential to become a new standard of treatment for patients ventilated ”.
Nara Capital management is a private capital invested in Biopharma businesses and HealthTech from technology transfer of research centres. Nara invests in projects and disruptive transformers in their initial stages of research and development.
Nara takes its in-depth knowledge of the sector to incorporate capital and operational capacities to startups, with the dual aim to generate long-term value their investors and create a positive impact on health and quality of life of patients and of society.
CDTI Innovation
The CDTI innovation is the public funding of innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology.
Additionally, through the initiative Innvierte Sustainable Economy, supports and facilitates the capitalization of technology companies. To date, the CDTI Innovation, through Innvierte, committed 1,795 M €in 42 investment vehicles that have invested in more than 271 companies, and through its joint investment line directly committed an amount of more than 522 M €in at least 160 companies.
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