El CDTI Innovación invierte en la empresa estratégica ONCOMATRYX BIOPHARMA S.L., pionera en el desarrollo de fármacos contra el microambiente tumoral

The CDTI Innovation through the co-investment in strategic enterprises of its agenda Innvierte, has reached an agreement with the partners of ONCOMATRYX BIOPHARMA S.L. to enter the capital of the company

The input committed by the CDTI innovation is eur 10,000,000

The pioneering workOncomatryxfocuses on the development of customized biofarmacéuticos medicines against tumor microambiente, to address invasive stages of cancer, which still have a high mortality rate.

After 14 years of research, the companyOncomatryx Biopharmahas received some promising results in the clinical trial phase I of its latest generation drug OMTX 705. OMTX 705 is a conjugated antibody (ADC) directed against the microambiente surrounding the tumor and favour their immunosuppression, invasion and metastasis. The results of the clinical trial have confirmed the efficacy and safety of OMTX705, as demonstrated in animal models.

Oncomatryxlocated in the Parque tecnológico de Bizkaia, has identified new mechanisms and protein peritumoral estroma, cells and extracellular matrix that surround the tumor and facilitate their invasividad, immunosuppression, resistance to treatment and metastasis.

Oncomatryxhas addressed the development of these pioneers drugs mechanisms and protein peritumoral estroma, in collaboration with leading universities, hospitals and research centres in the usa and europe, such as Harvard university, MD Anderson Cancer Center, university of Stuttgart, university of turin, university of bologna, CIC-Biogune, research centre of Salamanca, national research Centre Of Oncological, Onkologikoa, Hospital Virgen del Rocío, Hospital Sant Joan de Deu Hospital Universitario de Valdecilla, Hospital 12 october, Catalan Institute of oncology and University Clinic of navarre.

It is noteworthy that the funds of the capital increase, along with recurrent incomeOncomatryxfrom these licence agreements with large international biofarmacéuticas, will provide new cohorts of expansion in clinical trials, which will allow for a best characterization of proven effectiveness. Furthermore, it will be allocated to the clinical development of new drugs (antibodies because) of the pipeline ofOncomatryxagainst microambiente microenvironment.

CDTI Innovation

TheCDTI Innovationit is the public funding of innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology.

Additionally, through the initiativeInnvierte Economía Sostenible, supports and facilitates the capitalization of technology companies. To date, the CDTI Innovation, through Innvierte, committed 1,795 M €in 42 investment vehicles that have invested in more than 271 companies, and through its joint investment line directly committed an amount of more than 522 M €in at least 160 companies.

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