In february Innvierte allocates more than 240 million euros to five new coinversiones and three investment vehicles

Since january 2025 the CDTI Innovation through Innvierte has closed operations, joint investment in 10 companies with a commitment to 8,01 million euros, and has closed investments in 3 investment vehicles with a commitment of 233,5 millions of euros

Operaciones de Innvierte en febrero de 2025
These operations are aimed at various developments of the sectors embraced, Bio, health and agri-food Industry, ict, energy and Environment

The CDTI Innovation, sponsor and sole shareholder of society Innvierte, has closed, last february, five joint investment operations, amounting to €7.070.000, in particular:

  • BASQUEVOLT, S.A.develops lithium batteries in solid state, with the aim of making possible the massive deployment of the electric transport, storage of stationary energy and advanced portable devices. The follow-up investment is done with EKARPEN PRIVATE EQUITY, S.A. and STELLUM GROWTH I, SCR, S.A. and the commitment of the CDTI Innovation is 4.950.000 euros.
  • BIDASOA METAL 78, S.L.develops a technology hidrometalúrgica, for the recovery of precious metals of the group of the platinum (PGMs), which allows for its recovery from catalysts of motor vehicles, with a reduction of 65% of CO2 emissions. The follow-up investment is done with GEROA PENTSIOAK EPSV DE EMPLEO PREFERENTE and AMPO, S.COOP. and commitment of CDTI Innovation is 1.35 million euros.
  • EZZING RENEWABLE ENERGIES, S.L.has created an online platform to manage the entire value chain of photovoltaic (pv), which includes a set of features that make it possible to gain an efficient design at technical and performance of this type of facilities. The follow-up investment is done with REPSOL ENERGY VENTURES, S.A. and the commitment of the CDTI Innovation is €90,000.
  • HONEXT MATERIALS, S.L.biotechnology has developed a patented process, ensuring that the primary sludge factories into role without glues boards for the construction. The follow-up investment is done with NOLABEY GRUP, S.L, and the commitment of the CDTI Innovation is eur 180,000.
  • VIRTUAL BODYWORKS, S.L. (KIIN)develops a new licensed technology KiinX Engine and Embodiment, offering training experiences immersive applications designed to foster empathy, reduce the unconscious bias and improve interpersonal skills. Investment is done with NOLABEY GRUP, S.L. and commitment of CDTI Innovation is 500,000 euros.

Investment vehicles:

In addition, during last february, the CDTI Innovation, through Innvierte, committed investments in three investment vehicles 233.500.000 amounting to millions of euros. In particular:

  • ABE PRIVATE EQUITY FUND II, F.C.R.managed by ABE CAPITAL PARTNERS SGEIC, S.A., is investing in smes in spain, across sectors, with high growth potential and proactive focus on technology, sustainability, health and welfare and advanced industries. The commitment of the CDTI Innovation is 122,5 million euros.
  • ADARA VENTURES IV F.C.R.E.,managed by ADARA VENTURES, SGEIC, S.A., is investing in companies that engage in the realization and implementation of scientific discovery revolutionaries, engineering-related, or industrial property, or in companies with a relevant technological component mainly in the areas of cybersecurity, Datos and Artificial intelligence, Salud Digital and components and Infraestructura Digital. The commitment of the CDTI Innovation is 37.5 million euros.
  • IB SUSTAINABLE AGRIFOOD FUND I INNVIERTE F.C.R.,managed by IMPACT BRIDGE ASSET MANAGEMENT SGIIC, S.A. will invest in smes of agribusiness in phase of growth, with the aim of supporting them in the transition towards a more sustainable model (economic viability, social and environmental sustainability). The commitment of the CDTI Innovation is 73.5 million euros.

Since january 2025 the CDTI Innovation through Innvierte has closed operations, joint investment in 10 companies with a commitment to 8,01 million euros, and has closed investments in 3 investment vehicles with a commitment of 233,5 million euros.


Innvierte is an initiative aimed at promoting the entrepreneurial innovation through support to the risk capital investment in technology-based enterprises or innovative programme. This is done through the collective investment type closed Innvierte Sustainable Economy SICC S.M.E., S.A., self-managed and under the supervision of the national Values and that the CDTI Innovation is a shareholder Only.

To date, the CDTI Innovation, through Innvierte, committed 1,814 M €in 43 investment vehicles that have invested in more than 283 companies, and through its joint investment line directly committed an amount of €546M 160 companies.

Innvierte framed Estrategia española de Ciencia, tecnología e innovación 2021-2027, adopted by decision of the council of ministers, in september 2020. This Estrategia contains goals, the reforms and measures to be taken throughout the area of r + D + i in order to boost their growth and impact, and is one of the pillars on which the design of the government's policy in r + D + i for the coming years.

CDTI Innovation

The centre for technological development and innovation, CDTI E.P.E. is a public company under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities, whose goal is the promotion of technological innovation in business. The CDTI mission is to ensure that the business fabric english generates and transform knowledge into growth científico-técnico globally competitive, sustainable and inclusive. By 2024, within the framework of a new strategic plan, the CDTI provided more than $2.3 billion euros of support for business startups and spain.

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