
Below are referenced conventions ever signed between the centre for technological development and innovation (CDTI) and the various public administrations involved in this initiative.

Imagen de prueba

Autonomous community of the region of Murcia

On 28 april 2020 was published in the B.O.E. the Agreement between the CDTI and the autonomous community of the region of Murcia in the ministry of employment, research and universities, on pre-commercial procurement of services of R & D. This convention originates having identified the need for the University of Murcia an intelligent campus through the application of technology of the border, highly connected and whose profits in their development can improve the quality of life and well-being of the university community and society.

More information:https :// 20/04/28/pdfs/BOE-A-2020-4701.PDF

On 1 february 2023 surrendered 2 precomericales developments and formalized the assignment between the CDTI and environment department, Mar Menor, universities and Investigción of Regíón of Murcia.

Galician health service

On 30 april 2020 was published in the B.O.E. the Agreement between the CDTI and Galician health Service, on pre-commercial procurement of services of R & D. This convention originates having identified the need to facilitate support tools for monitoring and controlling clinical trials and to measure results, allowing it to be conducted in a comprehensive and will be reached in a more escalation to patient groups broader.

More information:https :// 20/04/30/pdfs/BOE-A-2020-4751.PDF

On 13 june 2002 was published in ELECTRONIC COMMERCE "). the Addition of amendment and extension of the convention for the purpose of the actions covered in the same are the subject of funding through the Mechanism for the recovery and resilience in the framework of the investment component C17.I3 17.

More information:https ://, 22/06/13/pdfs/BOE-A-2022-9743.PDF

The administrator of the railway infrastructure

On 27 may 2020 was published in the B.O.E. the Agreement between the CDTI and the administrator of the railway infrastructure (ADIF) and ADIF-Alta Speed on pre-commercial procurement of services of R & D. This convention arises from the need to monitor the evolution of the state of the rail infrastructure and places the objective in two areas: bridges and viaducts as well as diversion, with the objective of optimizing the maintenance looking for minimising the risks in service.

More information:https :// 20/05/27/pdfs/BOE-A-2020-5366.PDF

On 20 december 2022 surrendered 3 precomericales developments and formalized the mutation demanial between the CDTI and the administrator of the railway infrastructure (ADIF) and ADIF-Alta Speed.

Ministry of economy, science and Digital Agenda of the board of Extremadura

On 27 may 2020 was published in the B.O.E. the Agreement between the CDTI and the ministry of Economy, science and Digital Agenda of the board of Extremadura on pre-commercial procurement of services of R & D. This convention originates having identified the need to provide the Centre of Minimum Surgery Invasion Jesus Usón (entity answers to the department) innovative solutions for the development of a system of preservation of alternative Bodies to continue the functionality of the Body, under continuous monitoring, for long periods and without any serious damage

More information:https :// 20/05/27/pdfs/BOE-A-2020-5362.PDF

Department of economy, employment and industry of the Xunta de Galicia

On 27 may 2020 was published in the B.O.E. the Agreement between the CDTI and the department of economy, employment and industry of the Xunta de Galicia, relating to pre-commercial procurement of services of R & D. This convention arises from the need to facilitate safe and efficient operations of unmanned vehicles in shared air spaces through simulation. Technological solutions and operational activities to develop would help to eliminate the barriers to accessibility to airspace, complying with the safety requirements established by the aeronautical authorities.

More information:https :// 20/05/27/pdfs/BOE-A-2020-5363.PDF

Ministry of Interior

On 21 july 2020 were published in the B.O.E. agreements between the CDTI and the ministry of Interior, relating to pre-commercial procurement of services of R & D. These conventions arising out of the need for the Civil Guard:

- Innovative proposals designed to provide answers to a transfer of detainees held in a sustainable manner and with vehicles technologically advanced.

More information:https :// 20/07/21/pdfs/BOE-A-2020-8274.PDF

- Innovative proposals designed to provide answers for the illicit trade in the sea, from the point of view of the monitoring, interdiction and detention, including a simulation environment.

More information:https :// 20/07/21/pdfs/BOE-A-2020-8275.PDF

- Innovative proposals designed to provide answers to various demands of security in rural areas, covering different scenarios.

More information:https :// 20/07/21/pdfs/BOE-A-2020-8276.PDF

The ministry for the Ecological Transition and the demographic challenge

On 27 july 2020 were published in the B.O.E two agreements between the CDTI and the ministry for the Ecological Transition and the demographic challenge (directorate-General of water). These conventions originating having identified the need for contractual services for r & D to achieve the following:

- Monitoring the quality of surface waters: it is intended to develop technology that will be able to provide in the future of a warning network on water quality low cost and high efficiency in the spanish part of the demarcation of the Duero.

More information:https :// _ txt.php? id = BOE-A-2020-8609

On 23 november 2022 surrendered 2 precomericales developments and formalized the mutation demanial between the CDTI and the ministry for the Ecological Transition and the demographic challenge (directorate-General of water).

- Computer systems to support decision-making in the management of water: it is intended to develop a computer system that can serve as a support for decision-making in water management in the integrated system of exploitation of the demarcation of the Safe.

More information:https :// _ txt.php? id = BOE-A-2020-8610

On 31 january 2023 surrendered 2 precomericales developments and formalized the mutation demanial between the CDTI and the ministry for the Ecological Transition and the demographic challenge (directorate-General of water). More information on The promotion and EventsCDTI news.

Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria

On 26 august 2020 was published in the B.O.E. the Agreement between the CDTI and the Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria on pre-commercial procurement of services of R & D. This convention originates having identified the need for new solutions more efficient in the area of desalination of seawater.

More information:https :// _ txt.php? id = BOE-A-2020-10004