Programa Bilateral Hispano -AlgerianTechnology Cooperation

programa de cooperación

The CDTI and the General directorate of scientific research and technological development (DGRSDT), the ministry of higher education and scientific research algerian, signed in july 2015 an agreement which envisages the establishment of a bilateral technology cooperation, the Algérie-espagne Innovation Programme (ALGESIP).

The programme provides mechanisms for the assessment and co-finance entrepreneurship for technological cooperation so that the development of a new process or tradable product, and provide international stamp projects evaluated positively that will enable them to be funded through the national instruments available in both countries, according to their respective rules and procedures.

How to participate in the agenda?

When the draft is defined among all participants must be provided in both the CDTI in spain as the DGRSDT, Algeria, the form of Bilateral Programme, which must be agreed by all parties.

The spanish participants will have to record in the application of CDTI Bilateral project through the applicationrequest for on-line projects. This request, in addition to the web form, should combine the Application form and the Consortium, both signed, in addition to the necessary documentation on the basis of the funding requested CDTI (templates are available on the site).

Each country, through its agencies, the CDTI managers, in spain and DGRSDT in algeria are responsible for the assessment and subsequent certification of approved projects with a seal of quality "", which provides companies with participants:

  • Added value associated with international cooperation and official recognition of the technological level of participants
  • Companies obtaining financial grants in each country according to its own rules and without exchange of funds




Organismos Gestores


The department of Foreign Technology Action
(C/CID, 4, 28001 Madrid.
Telephone: (34) 91 581 56 07;
Project coordinator with algeria: José Manuel Durán


Direction of technological development and innovation
General Directorate for scientific research and technological development (DGRSDT)
Chemin Mohamed Gacem, Madania, Argel
Telephone: + 213 (0) 21 27 07 46
Coordinador Proyectos with España: Dr. Maya Cherfaoui