Programa BilateralHispano-Indiotechnology cooperation

The Bilateral Agenda Hispano-Indio technology cooperation (ISIP — India & Spain Innovating Program) seeks to promote technological cooperation between business entities in España and India in technological development, innovation and transfer of technology, with the aim to generate economic benefits for España and India and boost the competitiveness of their companies.
There you can participate, at least two or more other entities in both countries to imagine and manage the development of a joint project in any Technical area. Children are also allowed the participation of other business entities or research bodies within the consortium.
At present, within the framework of the bilateral programme for technology cooperation with India, there are various agreements and initiatives of the CDTI, E.P.E. indian agencies with different funding in order to promote and give preferential funding for projects of spanish companies in partnership with india. The different initiatives:
- Sectoral Initiative in biotechnology: Agreement between the CDTI (IS) and the department of indian Biotechnology - DBT (IN).
- Typology of projects: r & D projects (industrial research, development pilot project), led by enterprises and market-oriented (development of new products, processes or services, or substantial improvement in the same), in cooperation with India.
- Thematic área: Biotecnología.
- Subject to Convocatorias.
- Eligibility requirement. At least, a spanish company and one entity india (company, centre for research, academic entities, other).
- Financiación Descentralizada.
- Iniciativa Sectorial in renewable energies: Agreement between the CDTI (IS) and the indian Ministry of renewable energies - MNRE (IN).
- Typology of projects: r & D projects (industrial research, development pilot project), led by enterprises and market-oriented (development of new products, processes or services, or substantial improvement in the same), in cooperation with India.
- Thematic área: Energías Renovables.
- Subject to Convocatorias.
- Eligibility requirement: At least, a spanish company and one entity india (company, centre for research, academic entities, other).
- Financiación Descentralizada.
- Iniciativa Multisectorial: Agreement between the CDTI (IS), the department of indian Science and technology - DST; by india implemented by Technology Development Board-TDB (IN).
- Typology of projects: r & D projects (industrial research, development pilot project), led by business and market-oriented (development of new products, processes or services, or substantial improvement in the same), in cooperation with India.
- Thematic área: energy and climate change, environment, Ict, biotechnology, health, Agri-technologies, Aeroespacio, production, chemical, material and any other of common interest.
- Subject to Convocatorias (with specific deadlines and that define thematic areas of interest).
- Eligibility requirement: At least, a spanish company and an indian company.
- Financiación Descentralizada.
How to participate in the agenda?
The spanish participants will have to record in the CDTI the Bilateral request through theelectronic site CDTIby submitting a request for r & D project with Cooperación Tecnológica Internacional (PCTI )/Bilateral Projects with India.
Although there is more than a spanish entity in the project, will Only register a request by the entity responsible for representing the consortium before the CDTI.
The applicant must attach the following documentation (templates on the site):
- Activity diagram (Gantt),where a description of the tasks to be carried out by each of the participants of the international consortium.
- Application Form:This report, drafted in english, should be placed on the overall project, the activities of the participants and the importance of the same for all partners. It Must be consensual, completed and signed by all parties to the international consortium.
- Draft Partnership agreement of the partnership:english document that ensures the implementation of the project, and describe the agreed conditions of exploitation of results. Be signed by the legal representatives of all entities involved, before final adoption by the CDTI.
- High telematics proposal in the electronic site of CDTI: Management of the request includes the preparation of documentation and fill out a questionnaire with data from a technical nature, economic and administrative body of each of the spanish participants, associated with their funding.
- Other documents that might be required, as appropriate:statements of support company, type and category of enterprise, any other documentation of interest (optional), etc.
Each country, through its agencies, the CDTI managers in spain, and the agency of the programme for India, are responsible for the assessment and subsequent certification of approved projects with a seal of quality "" offering participating companies:
- Added value associated with international cooperation and official recognition of the technological level of participants.
- Companies obtaining financial grants in each country according to its own rules and without exchange of funds.
- 10Th Llamada España - India Multisectoral
- 9Th Llamada España - India Multisectoral
- 8Th Llamada España - India Multisectoral
- 7Th Llamada España - India Multisectoral
- 6Th Called Spain — India in biotechnology
- 6Th joint call Spain (CDTI) – India (DST-GITA) bilateral projects for financing r & D in sectors: Clean technologies, IoT, advanced materials and Manufacturing, Tecnologías Agroalimentarias and other relevant sectors.
- Opportunities for cooperation in biotechnology between India and España in 2018.
Partner search
Aquellas entidades interesadas en participar en el programa que tengan una idea de proyecto de I+D definida y necesiten socio, deben cumplimentar el siguiente form. The CDTI aid to the identification of partners through its network of contacts with agencies and counterparts.