Programa BilateralEspaña-catartechnology cooperation

The Bilateral Agenda España -catar technology cooperation (qasip, by its initials in english) seeks to promote technological cooperation between business entities and of course, españa in technological development and innovation with the aim to generate economic benefits for españa And taste and boost the competitiveness of their companies.
This programme is promoted and financed by the centre for technological development and innovation (CDTI) in Spain, and by the research, development and innovation (QRDI, by its initials in english) in Taste.
Projects should be implemented by an international consortium has at least a spanish company and a firm catarí. Children are also allowed the participation of other business entities or research bodies within the consortium.
Although it admitted projects in any technical area, it should be noted that priority will be those of the following areas: energy, health, sustainability and digital technologies.
How to participate in the agenda?
The spanish company with a project idea can be made in the CDTI a brief interim report. This report, a guidance extension 3 or 4 pages, focuses on the spanish participation in the project and must reflect the most remarkable technical characteristics and the commercial viability of the project, together with general information about the company. The document serves as a basis in order to give the company a first opinion on the project proposal and to suggest, if any, changes in approach that would enhance the project.
Once the project is defined among all participants, he must appear in both the CDTI in spain as QRDI, Of Course, the request of the Bilateral Programme must be agreed by all parties. This document should be placed on the overall project, the activities of the participants and the importance of the same for all partners.
Each country through its agencies, the CDTI managers, in Spain, and the QRDI in Taste, are responsible for the assessment and subsequent certification of approved projects with a seal of quality "" offering participating companies:
- Added value associated with international cooperation and official recognition of the technological level of participants.
- Companies obtaining financial grants in each country in accordance with its own rules and without exchange of funds.
- Third Call bilaterally between Spain and of course, within the framework of the programme QASIP.
- 12Th call for projects with certification unilateral and follow-up.During the year 2025 there are two court dates for the submission of proposals: 31 march and 12 september.
- 11Th call for projects with certification unilateral and follow-up.
- Segona Convocatòria bilaterally between Spain and of course, within the framework of the programme QASIP.
- First Call bilaterally between Spain and of course, within the framework of the programme QASIP.DOCUMENTS ONLY TO PARTICIPANTS CATARIES
Partner search
Aquellas entidades interesadas en participar en el programa que tengan una idea de proyecto de I+D definida y necesiten un socio, deben cumplimentar el siguiente form. The CDTI aid to the identification of partners through its network of contacts with agencies and counterparts.