The CDTI Innovation enhances the participation of spanish companies in the scientific and technical Infrastructure of particle physics and merge

The government of Spain, through the ministry of Science, innovation and universities, manages and promotes the spanish participation in the major Scientific Facilities. Moreover, the ministry of science, innovation and universities has entrusted CDTI Innovation efforts to maximize the return of technology and industrial property derived from the spanish contribution to the great Scientific Facilities (GICs) and to advocate that contracts executed in these infrastructures are very important and possible technical excellence

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The CDTI innovation is the point of contact for spanish companies interested in participating in tenders for the major Scientific Facilities

In the most relevant infrastructure,CDTI Innovationhas been designated as Industrial Liaison Officer (ILO) or point of contact between the united nations and the spanish companies interested in participating in tenders. Since the CDTI Innovation the tender which offer these institutions, thematic events are organized, helps in the formation of consortia, advising companies in the submission of tenders and monitoring of contracts awarded to national entities.

Moreover, the CDTI collaborates with the InnovationMinistry of science, innovation and universitiesin the promotion of partnerships between industry of science and scientific and technical Infrastructures Unique (ICTS), to promote the development of the industry as a supplier, the use of facilities by the technology transfer and industry.

To give visibility to the domestic industry, the CDTI regularly publishes, Innovation, athe catalogue ofindustrial capacities for big Science Facilitiesthat, in its latest edition of 2022, reflects the capacities of more than100 spanish companiesvery experienced in providing supplies in the fields of particle physics and merger.

Spanish contribution

Spain has a network ofScientific and technical infrastructures Unique. This is a network with infrastructures across a broad range of disciplines: Health sciences, biology, energy, materials, engineering or Information and communications, among others.

In addition to being available to our scientists, ICTS contribute to the development of industry of science, the industrial sector to collaborate in the design, manufacture and maintenance of these complex structures. During the coming years, the national network of ICTS will make major investments in updating, development of scientific instrumentation and new services, offering very interesting opportunities for our industry. These investments are reflected in the strategic plan for ICTS and are valued at approximately $300 million for the period 2021-2027, with funding from the Mechanism for the recovery and resilience and FEDER founds.

In this article summarizes the main opportunities in ICTS particle physics and fusion, reflected in detail in the followinglink.

Opportunities for industry in particle physics

The NEW Area of particle physics, which fall within the area of materials on the map of the ministry, ICTS are:Sincrotrón ALBA,The centre of Lasers Reset (CLPU)and infrastructure-based applications in dye carriers have been distributed, ICTS with two nodes:National Centre of Accelerators (NSA)andMicroanálisis centre of materials (CMAM). It is also worth mentioning aESS Bilbaoresearch infrastructure, which implements national in-kind contributions to the spanishEuropean Spallation Source (ESS).

The business opportunities for the coming years in ALBA fall within the ALBA project II (2022-2025), for which new and empty ultra-alto cameras will require the provision of electromagnets and permanent magnets. Moreover, we are going to install a third that will require harmonised purchase of various equipment. Moreover, the line of light called 3sbar includes onduladores tenders for lines of light and components, in addition optomecánicos booth construction on radiological protection. Finally, in 2025 will start the project of urbanization of new aspects and the construction of buildings and extension of the pilot hall.

Foto tunel ALBA

As regards the CLPU in their projects, the construction and commissioning of a second area that will lead to a large number of opportunities for industry. In addition to the draft civil works, and the tenders will include the provision of the compressor, laboratory equipment, optical and precision, specialized software and Optical. Also, the reorganization plan the lines of laser pump-probe VEGA experiments will require the purchase of laboratory equipment, electronics and software packages. On the other hand, and as a contribution to the european project is To push the commission shall tender scientific equipment for diagnosis and whites in experiments of particle acceleration.

The CNA, one of the two distributed based on infrastructure accelerators, also has launched major projects. Among its future proceedings is the replacement of the source of 60Co irritador, Alphatros ions (of the pair of 3 MV) and the improvement of the source of the accelerator or the acquisition of an armoured container for waste management. on the CMAM, its main lines of its improved infrastructure are the complete renovation of HVAC system and controls for the regulation of temperature and humidity and in the accelerator, replenishment and replacement of pumps, vacuum and critical component for the control systems and introducing systems for improved diagnosis and detection. In addition, it will optimize the beam line ERD-TOF to its complete exploitation will be built and a new site to measure the impact Kerr for irradiation.

Laboratorio LMJ

Opportunities for industry in the field of merger

In the area of merger, stresses theFusion National Laboratory (LNF)ofCIEMATarea and ICTSIFMIF-DONESfuture infrastructure, which will serve as a testing ground for the materials of the first wall of future commercial reactors.

IFMIF-DONES began in march this year its construction phase and will last until 2034 expected. The total budget is eur 700 million, of which approximately half will be provided by Spain and the rest will be in-kind contributions from other countries andF4E (Fusion for Energy)that it intends to commit some eur 100 million. Subsequently, will begin operations, phase that will last for decades, during which will be no additions and improvements of the installation.

With regard to the National Laboratory of fusion, stresses its participation in the design of some of the most singular diagnoses of ITER (WAVS and CTS) and JT-60 (reflectometría Doppler). In Addition, there will be opportunities in the infrastructure CIEMAT Ion Devices (construction of an infrastructure of irradiation with double/triple ion beam), radio systems LIPAc e IFMIF-DONES and validation of technology in garments tritium fusion regenerators and validation of material technology in a position to irradiation with high energy flows (injection systems neutral). In the near future CIEMAT raises the design and construction of hot cells for exploitation of IFMIF-DONES stellarator and a demonstration of viability.


The CDTI Innovation is the agency for financing innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities.

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