The CDTI Innovation invests, together with MOIRA CAPITAL PARTNERS, GEODESIC INNOVATION, company specialized in disinfection, conservation, monitoring and improving the quality of water

The CDTI innovation, through its programme Innvierte, together with MOIRA CAPITAL PARTNERS, has reached an agreement with the partners of GEODESIC INNOVATION S.L. to enter the capital of the company

Coinversión GEODESIC
The input committed by the CDTI Innovation is €dominican

Geodesicit is a spanish technological company that specializes in the management of water with unique solutions for environmentally friendly. With a technology, allows itself to disinfect the water reuse and eliminating the use of chemicals and other additives. The company operates mainly in four areas: swimming pools and spas, cooling towers and facilities with risk legionelosis, processes of pasteurisation of packaging and washing of fruit and vegetables in the food industry, and residual water regenerated, which can address several solutions with the same equipment. Moreover, has developed an online platform that allows you to monitor, operate and controlling all remote teams.

Geodesic, founded in 2011 and based in Madrid, has developed technology advanced oxidation for the treatment and disinfection of water, based on electrofísicos electrochemical processes and techniques that include electroporation, advanced oxidation and generation of residual free chlorine, the combination is a characteristic differential fully meet the rest of available technologies, allowing you to comply with regulatory requirements without chemical dosing.

The value of Geodesic differs in all those systems and facilities where the water quality and availability are vital to human health and the efficiency and feasibility of industrial processes. This technology manages to avoid the formation of by-products of chlorine, control the trend and corrosive water, providing for the use and water management regenerated in various production processes; all this with levels of higher disinfection the most rigorous regulations in force and generating water savings of over 80 per cent compared to traditional processes, leading by both the guidelines established for sustainability on the responsible consumption of water and improved Water Footprint.

Led by Luis Cruse (CEO) and Juan Ibáñez (COO and CTO), the founders and shareholders, since the launch of its services in 2018, the company has succeeded in establishing a solid reputation in the market, with more than 150 facilities in operation, some of them in mexico and usa, and gaining trust from large customers as bonàrea, GoFit or Pontegadea.

In addition, in 2023 and after years of development, the company launched Watersite, a platform that redefines water management in critical environments and provides a comprehensive solution to the monitoring, analysis, visualization and remote operation of water circuits. By integrating cutting edge technology with advanced artificial intelligence techniques, not only Watersite allows real time monitoring of these circuits, but also the storage, processing, data analysis and predictive control, preventive and corrective can quantify the savings and improvements achievable with their technology.

Following the incorporation of Moira e Innvierte the project, the strategy for growth of Geodesic for the coming years will pass first, to speed up the use of its current solutions through a substantial strengthening of business equipment and deepen business providers, especially in the industrial sector, driven by the new directive on the applications permitted in the industrial environment regenerated water; and secondly, will take up a progressive international expansion with emphasis in the short term mexico and Florida and promote the development of the various strands of r & D.

The international expansion will focus first in mexico, where the company has already installed the first teams and has a number of agreements with local partners defined by region and vertical. With regard to the strategy for growth in europe, it will focus on the industrial market (cooling towers and food) and pools & spas, relying on the multinational references and growth of their clients, addressing water industrial regenerated our clients in a next phase.

Moira Capital Partners

Moira Capital Partners, led by Javier Loizaga, is the first signs of private Capital investment specializing in direct investments in innovative companies in spain wants to achieve a high return to european investors, private and institutional investors.

In seven years, Moira committed more than 240 million euros to promote projects of high-growth innovative companies in spain, including the: NeuronUp, specialized technological platform in neurorrehabilitación and cognitive stimulation, Luda Partners, Digital network of pharmacies, The Wise Seeker, technology platform for assessment and management of talent; Cimico, specializing in the biological treatment of wastewater; IEQSY, unique technology for improving energy efficiency and quality; Biorizon, company microalgae biological fertilizers; Cella Medical Solutions, leader in technological solutions to complex surgeries; Voovio, company of simulation and virtual reality applied to the process industry; GOI, first logistics operator in Spain exclusively focused on the transport, assembling and installation of goods; Cubiq voluminous, pioneers in healthy fats; Bioflytech, pioneers in the production and marketing of protein and fat insects for the supply of fish and pets; GRIT, leader in solutions under coolant gases emissions; Group Pedro Jaén, private dermatological group leader in spain; and GreenE, gasification technology for the recovery of waste.

CDTI Innovation

The CDTI innovation is the public funding of innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology.

Additionally, through the initiative Innvierte Sustainable Economy, supports and facilitates the capitalization of technology companies. Since 2012 and to date, the CDTI Innovation, through Innvierte, has committed over 792 M €in 28 investment vehicles that have invested in more than 250 businesses, and through its joint investment line directly committed an amount of more than 470 M €in 151 companies.

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