The CDTI Innovation search a spanish company to work with China in the conversion of traditional treatment of waste and wastewater

The CDTI Innovation disseminates a new search of a spanish company that is interested in cooperating with China in the conversion of traditional plants for the treatment of waste and wastewater in complex biorefining multiproducto, obtaining renewable energies and biomaterials high value added

Banner búsqueda CHINA
Thanks to this technological collaboration for bio-material of high value added

This collaboration is intended to put into operation a pilot plant to explore the biorrefinería and possibilities of escalation in actual facilities, at both the technical and economic level.

5Th Called España-china

The proposal aims to be submitted to the5Th Called for bilateral projects España-china r & Din the framework of the international agenda CHINEKA (China & Spain Innovating Program) that until18 january 2024 in spainand20 december 2023 in China.

For more information please refer


The CDTI Innovation is the agency for financing innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities.

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