The CDTI Innovation search a spanish company to work with Sample in the development of digital solutions for various groups

El CDTI Innovación busca una empresa española para colaborar con Catar en el desarrollo de soluciones digitales para diversos colectivos

TheCDTI Innovationechoes of a new search for a spanish company requesting catarí companyNoI Medical Technologiesto cooperate with the development ofdigital…

TheCDTI Innovationechoes of a new search for a spanish company requesting catarí companyNoI Medical Technologiesto cooperate with the development ofdigital solutionsaddressed to the care of several groups such as children, disabled persons and the elderly.

NoI Medical Technologies has also developed solutions for more than 800 hospitals and health centres, Taste, United Arab Emirates and saudi Arabia.

The spanish company should have competence in RTLS Wearables, Internet of things or Artificial intelligence.

In thislinkyou can get more information.

The proposal aims to be submitted to the first call bilateral r & D España-catar calledQASIPremoving the next7 september.

For additional information on the scope of this proposal and the role of the spanish company, you can contact the coordinator of the company catarí: Dr. Yasar Saleh (

Bilateral convening r & D

For more information on this invitation bilateral, you can contact the office of the delegation of north africa and the middle east of CDTI Innovation:


The CDTI innovation is the agency of the ministry of science and innovation that supports innovation based on knowledge, advice and providing public funding for innovation through subsidies or aid partly refundable for innovation and managing public procurement precommercial. Through the initiative Innvierte Sustainable Economy, in addition, the CDTI Innovation supports and facilitates the capitalization of technology companies.

The CDTI Innovation also facilitates the internationalization of business projects of r & D and innovation of spanish companies and entities and manages the participation of spanish companies in international r & D, Horizon and Eureka, Europe and in industries of science and space.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science and innovation.

Further information,:

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