El CDTI Innovación invierte, junto con ENAGÁS EMPRENDE, S.L., ENION I ENERGY FUND, F.C.R.E., ENION I ENERGY, F.C.R.E., S.A. e INGENÍERIA Y MARKETING, S.A., en SOLATOM CSP, S.L, empresa dedicada a la comercialización de calderas solares

The CDTI Innovation, through its programme, together with Innvierte ENAGÁS UNDERTAKES, S.L., ENION I ENERGY FUND, F.C.R.E., ENION I ENERGY, F.C.R.E., S.A. and INGENÍERIA And MARKETING, S.A. (GDES) has reached an agreement with the partners of SOLATOM CSP, S.L., company dedicated to the commercialization of solar-fired boilers that generate high temperature steam for industrial applications, to enter the capital of the company

SOLATOM coinversión
The input committed by the CDTI innovation is 1.107.000 euros

SOLATOMspecializes in de-carbonizing the thermal demand in the industry sector accounts for ⅓ of global emissions of greenhouse gases, and one of the most challenging of decarbonise by high temperature. SOLATOM required begins in 2016 to develop solar boiler with the goal of delivering a sustainable alternative to industrial boilers of fossil fuel. The idea, who was born in a family garage, and that has been the result of realizing the thesis by one of its founders, is already present in 19 projects in Spain, mexico, saudi Arabia, United States and morocco.

The solar boiler SOLATOM Fresnel mirrors used to capture and focus the light, obtaining high temperature heat. The heat generated enables factories to reduce their heating energy consumption (in the form of vapour, thermal oil or hot water). The modular design of SOLATOM has the advantage of transported fully pre-ensamblado, allowing its immediate mounting on or soil. Among the projects using this technology, emphasizes the draft Heineken Quart de Poblet, where he has used a solar boiler 4.2 MW of power to generate 10 per cent of the steam it consumes the factory annually. This project has 6,000 m2 of mirrors Fresnel, making it the largest Fresnel draft of the world for industrial use.




Enagás Undertakes is the Corporate Venture ofEnagásfor investment and acceleration of startups and innovative technologies in the area of energy transition with special emphasis on renewable gases (Biogas and hydrogen), decarbonisation of the gas industry value chain, sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, digitization and cleantech. Together with SOLATOM, Enagás Undertakes or promoted has invested a total of 13 companies since its inception in 2015, among which are H2Greem (green hydrogen production), E4Efficiency (ecological cold), Scale Gas (LNG infrastructures and small-scale renewable), Trovant (upgrading biogas) or Satlantis (satellite technology), among others. In Addition, Enagás Undertakes complements its investment strategy with the launch as sponsor of a venture capital – Klima Energy Transition Fund – for investment in the Area of energy transition in mature stages of development and is participating in the infrastructure fund Hy24 hydrogen.


ENION Partners is a Venture Capital committed to accelerate energy transition and the decarbonisation of the economy through the management of funds which invest in technology-based start-ups with positive impact on sustainability and the fight against climate change.

With over 30 million under management and 12 investments in the portfolio since 2022, ENION guides the investment strategy mainly towards companies that have a high potential impact on the following markets and industries: generation from renewable sources, digitalization of the energy system generation, storage, distributed and flexibility, circular economy and sustainable mobility.


ENGINEERING AND MARKETING, S.A. (GDES) is a holding company of family origin, with over 95 years of experience in the provision of services for industry, currently being a leader in services related to the operation and maintenance for such diverse sectors such as wind, solar, petrochemical, metallurgical, automotive or amongst many others.

GDES, led by the family Dominguis for 3 generations, has been notable for having more than 45 years of experience in the nuclear sector. In recent years, GDES has developed a process of diversification promoting new services to companies from different sectors whose contribution to the sustainability and energy transition are central to its projection and potential for the future. Services such as energy efficiency and energy Is Produced, the Circular Economy Digital or transformation through advanced analytical data for the key decision-making, are the basis of the strategy for growth and diversification of GDES, while maintaining its leadership in sectors already consolidated.

To that end, GDES has its platform of Open Innovation GDES Blue Ventures www.blueventures.es, seek and boost Net Zero technologies to achieve a more sustainable world.

CDTI Innovation

The CDTI innovation is the public funding of innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology.

Additionally, through the initiative Innvierte Sustainable Economy, supports and facilitates the capitalization of technology companies. Since 2012 and to date, the CDTI Innovation, through Innvierte, has committed over 792 M €in 28 investment vehicles that have invested in more than 250 businesses, and through its joint investment line directly committed an amount of more than 470 M €in 151 companies.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities.

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