Francisco Villalba Segarra, Director General of Internxt: "Without the help of CDTI Innovation we would have been very difficult to consolidate ourselves as innovative smes"
In recent months Internxt develops, with the financial support from the CDTI Innovation and the Erdf Funds of the european union, technological projects to ensure that their applications to ensure security and privacy users to the many jaqueos that occur daily in the public and private spheres

Nothing more to complete his ba in Rotterdam, Francisco Villalba moved to California to start a new professional career: “ my bet was decisive. I Deposited all my savings, some 30,000 euros, to establish a small company in Silicon Valley. I thought that the conditions that would give me the mecca of technology would be suitable for a young entrepreneur. this was the opposite. After six months i had to return to Valencia and create a new business project thanks to the facilities offered by the shuttle, business accelerator known driven by Juan Roig development and start-ups of spanish start-ups ”.
“ the employer Juan Roig have learned essential principles such as customer position as an essential element of the company, offering high-quality products and services responsible for ensuring Ethical and with our users and society ”.

Installed Internxt cloud
In the cloud storage
Since then, thisInternxtit has not ceased to innovate. In 2021 successfully launched Internxt Drive, its first implementation of storage in the cloud that has been established as an alternative to platforms like Google Drive and invoice Dropbox and today more than 3 million euros.
“ the objective is to develop a range of services aimed to storage in the cloud and file sharing pose no danger to the security of data for each user. We currently have as paid more than 15,000 paying customers and 300,000 users who use this service free of charge. We must not forget the potential of the services market in the cloud throughout the world and that it is expected to reach $2.5 billion in 2031 ”.
Security breach
“ our philosophy is completely the opposite of the large multinationals american technological offered their services free of charge and, in exchange, sell user data to other companies creating thus a major security breach. Companies require increasingly privacy solutions that are affordable and safe to protect confidential information. So our aim is to create an ecosystem in the cloud storage to give power to users, giving absolute control, security and privacy on the archives and information to choose manage online ”.
“ furthermore, with the project co-financed by theCDTI InnovationandERDF funds of the euwe are currently doing, we want to achieve a communications platform that will also include e-mail and videoconference (InternxtMail e InternxtMeet), extremely safe and private users can only access the full content of your e-mails to have total control over their encryption keys. With this we protect them against cyber threats and violations of the security council, so prevalent today. Moreover, with cryptography post-cuántica offer an additional layer of security, protect data and communications of our clients to future attacks based on the quantum computer that will be increasingly used in the coming years ”.
Mobile applications, web and desktop computers of Internxt Drive
Business growth
Valued at eur 40 million, in recent years this sme has experienced a 100%. Its staff, composed of 30 people, has a multidisciplinary team consisting of software engineers, doctors in Artificial intelligence, on cybersecurity, etc. and seniors professionals with extensive experience in a variety of technologies.

Design cloud server
Last year Universal Internxt Technologies won the annual award of undertaking given by the national Data protection: “ without a doubt, this act, in which the President of the government, among others, was very emotional to us because it was the recognition of our work at a time of particular difficulty with the increase of computer crimes that occur throughout the world ”.
“ In 2023, cyber-attacks received in Spain and managed by theNational Cryptologic centre (NCC)reached a record 107.777 reported incidents, 94 per cent over the previous year. The Report of national security 2023 notes an increase in the number, frequency, sophistication and severity of the impact of cyber attacks due to increased technical and operational capacities of the attackers and high dependency on society of information and communications. In Addition, the document notes the vulnerability of cyberspace as the second biggest threat facing Spain ”.
“ for this reason, since the eu and the government of Spain are making great efforts to protect the public and private infrastructure of cybercrime. That is why we will continue to investigate new technologies that can bring more security to the internet ”.
CDTI Innovation
The CDTI innovation is the public funding of innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.
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