Innvierte spent in july and august around 300 million to eur 15 new coinversiones in risk capital and investment vehicles 4

Since january 2024 the CDTI Innovation through Innvierte has closed operations, joint investment in 41 companies with a commitment to 66,43 million euros, and investments in 4 investment vehicles with a commitment of eur 255 million

Operaciones cerradas de Innvierte en julio y agosto de 2024
These operations, undertaken in EBTs or innovative companies, are aimed at various developments of the bio, health, ICT, energy and environment

The CDTI Innovation, sponsor and sole shareholder of society Innvierte, has closed 15 joint investment operations during the months of july and august, amounting to €37.447.000, in particular:

  • ALLOSTERY EXPLORATION TECHNOLOGIES, S.L.develops a proprietary technology to identify sites in key alostéricos proteins for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. The investment is done with SABADELL ASABYS HEALTH INNOVATION INVESTMENTS II, RCF And SABADELL ASABYS HEALTH INNOVATION INVESTMENTS 2B, SCR, S.A. and the commitment of the CDTI Innovation is 1.8 million euros.
  • ANYVERSE, S.L.develop a software platform for the generation of synthetic data 3D scenario hifi, usable in the design, training and validation of advanced systems based on artificial intelligence. The follow-up investment is done with Bullnet Capital III SCR Smes, S.A. and the input of CDTI Innovation is 450,000 euros.
  • BASQUEVOLT, S.A.develops lithium batteries in solid state, with the aim of making possible the massive deployment of the electric transport, storage of stationary energy and advanced portable devices. The follow-up investment is done with ENAGAS Financing, S.A. and the commitment of the CDTI Innovation is 450,000 euros.
  • BEGAS MOTOR, S.L.designs and manufactures heavy vehicle engines powered by autogás. The follow-up investment is done with EKARPEN PRIVATE EQUITY, S.A. and REPSOL ENERGY VENTURES, S.A. and the input of CDTI Innovation is €900,000.
  • CRAMIK ADDITIVE SOLUTIONS, S.L.has developed a method for ceramic filaments 3D-FDM, printing, due to their special characteristics and advanced properties can be used in manufacturing processes Toxicity (hereinafter AM) in cutting-edge industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical and energy sector. The investment is done with BEABLE INNVIERTE KETS FUND, RCF and the input of CDTI Innovation is 720 euros.
  • ETOSHI TECHNOLOGIES, S.L. (ATANI)develops a comprehensive platform for investment in digital assets. The follow-up investment is RELATED with RCF VENTURES and JME VENTURES III, RCF and the input of CDTI Innovation is 175,000 euros.
  • GEODESIC, S.L.develop a sustainable technology for the disinfection, conservation, monitoring and improving the quality of water. The investment is done with Moira Capital OMEG F.C.R.E. Development and the input of Innovation is of CDTI dominican euros.
  • GYALA PHARMACEUTICALS, S.L.develops a cell therapy based on inmuno-oncología (technology CAR-T) for the treatment of certain malignant hematológicas. Investment is done with NARA HEALTH CAPITAL I, RCF and the commitment of the CDTI Innovation is of 540,000 euros.
  • HONEXT MATERIALS, S.L.has developed a patented biotechnology process, ensuring that the primary sludge factories into role without residas boards for the construction investment is done with MEROIL, S.A., NOLABEY GRUP, S.L., EVOLVIA, S.A.U., and CONSTRUCÍA, S.L and commitment of CDTI Innovation is €1,202,000.
  • INARI-ENSO, S.L.develops a technology that focuses on the risk insurer, offers a layer of software infrastructure for insurers, reinsurers, management, MGAs and trade unions of Lloyd's Investment is done with CRITERIA VENTURE TECH, S.I.C.C., S.A. and the commitment of the CDTI Innovation is 906,000 euros.
  • INGELIA, S.L.has developed a hydrothermal coking technology (HTC) able to manage any residue of biomass, including wet waste, producing a high-quality hydrochar, without producing emissions or toxic waste. The investment is done with REPSOL ENERGY VENTURES, S.A. and EASO VENTURES II, S.C.R. and commitment of CDTI Innovation is 2.043.000 euros.
  • TELUM PHARMACEUTICALS, S.L.develops microbial molecules endolisinas based operating as agents for bactericides antimicrobial-resistant. The follow-up investment is done with INVIVO VENTURES RCF, NAVARRA TECH TRANSFER RCF and R + D + i TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER RCF (the last two funds are managed by Key Capital) and the commitment of the CDTI Innovation is 1,035,000 euros.
  • TROVANT TECHNOLOGY, S.L. develops a modular technology upgrading of biogas biomethane, highly innovative technology, based on chemical and biological processes for natural plants with moderate biogas production. The follow-up investment is done with EASO VENTURES II SCR S.A. and the input of CDTI Innovation is 65,000 euros.

In addition, in line with strategic enterprises, the CDTI innovation has committed $21.6 million euros in the companyXOOPLE, S.L.. that develops technological solutions to The area of earth observation and 857,000 euros in the companyPAYLOAD AEROSPACE, S.L.. that develops launch technologies of small satellites.

Investment vehicles:

During the past months of july and august, the CDTI Innovation, through Innvierte, committed investments in 4 investment vehicles amounting to eur 255 million. In particular:

  • ALANTRA PRIVATE EQUITY FUND IV INNVIERTE, RCFALANTRA, managed by private CAPITAL, SGEIC, S.A.U., will invest in companies and smes mid-caps belonging to different sectors, mainly market-oriented technological and/or industrial property. The commitment of the CDTI Innovation is eur 200 million.
  • (K FUND III, FCRE,managed by KANOAR VENTURES SGEIC, S.A., is investing in companies in the field of information and communication technologies in initial stages of development. The commitment of the CDTI Innovation is eur 20 million.
  • NEXT TECHNOLOGY VENTURES, RCF II,managed by Axon Partners Group Investment, SGEIC, S.A., is investing in companies in the earlier phases technologies addressed to the climate sector, mainly in generation and smart grids, intelligent buildings and distribution of energy, transport and mobility, industry and economics. The commitment of the CDTI Innovation is $15 million euros.
  • SABADELL ASABYS HEALTH INNOVATION INVESTMENTS, RCF IImanaged by ASABYS PARTNERS, SGEIC, S.A., is investing in companies in the field of human health in initial stages of development. The commitment of the CDTI Innovation is eur 20 million.

Since january 2024 the CDTI Innovation through Innvierte has closed operations, joint investment in 41 companies with a commitment to 66,43 million euros, and investments in 4 investment vehicles with a commitment of eur 255 million.


Innvierte is an initiative aimed at promoting the entrepreneurial innovation through support to the risk capital investment in technology-based enterprises or innovative programme. This is done through the collective investment type closed Innvierte Sustainable Economy SICC S.M.E., S.A., self-managed and under the supervision of the national Values and that the CDTI Innovation is a shareholder Only.

To date, the CDTI Innovation, through Innvierte, has committed over 600 M €in 32 investment vehicles that have invested in more than 270 companies, and through its joint investment line directly committed an amount of more than 485 M €in at least 152 companies.

Innvierte fits into the strategy for science, technology and innovation 2021-2027, adopted by decision of the council of ministers, in september. This 2020 Strategy contains goals, the reforms and measures to be taken throughout the area of r + D + i in order to boost their growth and impact, and is one of the pillars on which the design of the government's policy in r + D + i for the coming years.

CDTI Innovation

The CDTI innovation is the public funding of innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

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