The Public Procurement of Innovation initiative of the Small Satellite Launcher System refers to the pre-commercial procurement of R&D services for the development of a prototype launcher capable of placing satellites of at least 300 kg in low orbits.

This initiative is aligned with Action 6 of the Aerospace PERTE.

ACT6 - Small satellite launchers: Acquisition and testing of a launcher for nanosatellites and small satellites, which could provide flight opportunities for experimental Spanish satellites.

cohete espacial

Need raised by a Public Administration

Access to space is a strategic and essential aspect of space technology development. The ability to build space systems or satellites and to launch them into space with its own means gives a country the independence to develop its space strategy, its infrastructure and its space applications for the benefit of its citizens in a coherent manner and in line with its policies, desires and needs.

Among the applications of space technology we can highlight space systems for security and defense; earth observation and climate change monitoring satellites; secure and governmental telecommunications; among others.

PERTE Aerospace aims to position the aerospace sector as a relevant actor in the new challenges and opportunities of national and European policies and, among other specific objectives, is to generate capacities for access to space in Spain and position the space sector on the European map of the commercial use of space.

The technological challenge raised

The technological challenge is to launch payloads with a primary mass (satellites) of more than 300 kg primary payload into orbit in a helium synchronous reference orbit (SSO) of about 500 km altitude. The prototype small satellite launcher shall also have the capability to place payloads with a primary mass (satellites) in the range of 300 kg to 800 kg into orbit in the full range (with different parameters) of low Earth orbits (LEO) of interest for space applications, in the range of 300 km to 1,000 km altitude.

The innovative solution proposed in response to the technological challenge should benefit from advances in new space technologies specific to the launcher area such as: optimized space lightweight structures; advanced composite manufacturing; reuse of launcher stages; advanced launcher actuators; vector nozzles and their control systems; advanced attitude propulsion systems; advanced guidance-navigation-control (GNC) architectures and algorithms; non-explosive and low dynamic impact separation systems; advanced payload (satellite) accommodation systems; new renewable fuels or zero- or low-emission propulsion systems for space use; intelligent fuel management systems; precise positioning systems for satellites in orbit (with or without additional kick-stage); etc.

In order to achieve this innovative product, the incorporation of emerging technologies is expected, which are beginning to obtain important results in other sectors and which can be perfectly applied to this sector. The aim is to take advantage of technological innovations in this development: additive manufacturing, artificial intelligence, miniaturization, advanced position, attitude, speed and rotational speed sensors, etc.

The highlights of the initiative of small satellite launcher are as follows:

  • Formalization of the contract- has been published in the Platform for Recruitment of Public Sector formalization of the contract of small satellite launcher.- [July 26, 2023]
  • Award- has been published in the Platform for Recruitment of Public Sector award of small satellite launcher- [July 5, 2023]
  • Tender- has been published in the Platform for Recruitment of Public Sector bidding from small satellite Launcher- [February 22, 2023]
  • Report of findings of the PCM- has been published in the platform for Recruitment of the Public Sector  the report of findings of the preparatory consultation of the market from small satellite Launcher:Report of findings of the PCM - [September 26, 2022]
  • Day of submission of the PCM- Online format, in a day of submission of the preparatory consultation of the market from small satellite Launcher: Agenda and presentations of the day- [April 6, 2022]
  • Convening of the preparatory consultation of the market (PCM)- has been published in the Platform for Recruitment of the public Sector (PLACSP), the resolution signed by the Director General of the centre for technological development and innovation (CDTI), E.P.E. of the convening of the preparatory consultation of the market (CPM) for the status of technology in the Area of small satellite: Resolution of the PCM of small satellite launcher- [March 28, 2022]

This initiative is funded with funds from the Mechanism for the recovery and resilience.

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