Aid to the implementation of strategic programmes of research, development and innovation in cooperation, developed by Technological Centres and/or support centres for Technological Innovation by the state, in one of the priority technologies Cervera.
Summary sheet of the assistance
Aid for Technological Centres Cervera
Groupings of Technological Centres and/or support centres for Technological Innovation state inscribed on theRegistration of Technological centres.
- The groupings should be constituted by a minimum of 3 and a maximum of five centres.
- The coordinating body of the task should be a technology centre.
- Each centre shall be set forth in a maximum of 3 applications (1 as coordinator).
Members must signed an agreement governing the internal functioning of the grouping in the context of the project.
Seek with timeliness of submission.
From 16 july to 21 september 2023, 12:00 peninsular p.m. local time.
40.000.000 euros.
- General state budget 2022.
Budget implementation 28.50.46QE.74908.:
Financing of the activities necessary to achieve the objectives set out in the strategic programmes of r + D + I submitted by beneficiaries.
Grants up to 100 per cent of the strategic programme submitted by the cluster.
It will not be subject to help the realization of economic activities.
Obtaining aid will be the accreditation of the beneficiary as "centre of excellence Cervera".
Multi-year projects developed in any spanish CC.AA..
- Minimum eligible budget: €2,000,000.
- Maximum eligible budget: €3.5 million.
- Minimum participation by entity: 15 per cent of eligible budget.
- Maximum participation by entity: 35 per cent of eligible budget (except that of coordinator, who shall be up to 50 per cent of the budget eligible).
Duration: Multi-annual, starting in 2023 and termination 31/12/2024/30/06/2025.
Balanced budget distribution throughout the duration of the strategic programme funded.
The participation of members of the task should be balanced, so that the coordinator of not more than 50 per cent of the budget requested and of the partners is between 15% and 35 per cent of the budget requested.
The priority technology Cervera selected in the request.
Participants will respond to potential obligations of compensation for activities that have been undertaken to make. In case of breach of that obligation, all members of the grouping and severally liable.
Funding from the funds "Next Generation EU" recovery mechanism and resilience of the eu.
All the actions financed under the invitation must respect the principle not to cause significant harm to the environment (principle DNSH: Do Not Significant Harm), which implies the fulfilment of specific conditions relating to mitigation and adaptation to climate change, sustainable use and protection of water resources and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, prevention and control of pollution and protecting and restoring biodiversity and ecosystems.
In the case of subcontracting, grantee of aid will provide for mechanisms to ensure that subcontractors comply with the principle of DNSH.
You can select only those activities that meet national environmental legislation and relevant union.
The actions financed recovery Mechanism and resilience are integrated in the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, which outlines the road map for the modernization of the spanish economy, the recovery of economic growth and job creation, for economic reconstruction, inclusive and resilient following the crisis of the COVID, and to meet the challenges of the next decade.
The component 17 of this Plan, called "institutional reform and strengthening the capacities of the national system of science, technology and innovation", reforming the spanish system of science, technology and Innovation (SECTI) in order to meet international standards and on the development of their capacities and resources. It proposes to utilize public resources to carry out rapid changes to adjust and improve the effectiveness, coordination and collaboration and transfer among law SECTI and attraction of private sector, with great impact in the near future on the country's economic and social recovery. The clear commitment by the country to increase and accelerate investment in r + D + I sustainably in the long term, to the european average in 2027, will require structural changes, strategic and scanning the system to be efficient. In this component is marked with strategic guidance and coordinated response that will enable investment in Priority areas of I + D + I and the increase in the amount of public aid to entrepreneurial innovation, in particular to smes.
This call of grants reinforces these funds and is included in the 17 referred component of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
All costs must be associated with the activities proposed in the strategic programme.
Financing can be applied to the concepts of direct expenditure and indirect costs, as set out in the summons.
- Maximum 25 per cent of eligible budget for each member of the cluster.
- When the amount of eligible expenditure exceeds the levels set for the child in the contract law 9/2017, of 8 november, on public Sector contracts, the beneficiary must seek at least three different suppliers offers before recruitment.
- When the concerted effort with third exceeds 20 per cent of the amount of subsidy and this amount in excess of €60,000, the contract will be held in writing and shall be authorized in advance by the licensor Body.
- The constituent entities of the grouping may not be subcontracted including proceedings subject to aid.
- Possibility of outsourcing of entities linked to the beneficiary, in accordance with the regulations.
The evaluation criteria are:
1. Strategic objectives of research and development and viability of the strategic programme | 0-40 | 28 |
2. Training and incorporation of human resources | 0-20 | 14 |
3. Internationalization | 0-20 | 14 |
4. Sexual exploitation and dissemination of results | 0-20 | 14 |
TOTAL | 100 | 70 |
An application can only be proposed for financing if their total score exceeds 70 points in the valuation of the strategic programme for research and development, having exceeded the thresholds established for each criterion for evaluating the table above.
Aid is incompatible, during its implementation period, with any other public aid at european level, state or autonomous community, with identical objectives and purpose.
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