
Spanish companies whose projects have been selected in the calls of the various International ERA-NETs favourably, surpassing the international stage, can be financed nationally through two instruments of E.P.E. CDTI,

National Schedules With annual award Grants direct and without seek (IS)finance,with co-financing of the european commission,the projects selected ERA-NET Cofund in the competitions.

Loans for r & D projects of European Technological Cooperation.

Soft loans with a non-reimbursable from 33 per cent to finance projects in the selected ERA-NET Additional Invitations,without cofinancing of the european commission.

The mode of financing available for projects ERA-NET ofAdditional calls without Union Cofinancing, will be a Help Partially Refundable, with financial cover up75% of total approved budget (loan) and a non-refundable of up to 33 per centdepending on the nature of the beneficiary and project.

Exceptionally, if not exceed the limits of intensity of legal aid may be granted up to 10 percentage points of additional funding(up to 85 per cent of total approved budget)without tranche non-refundable in these extra ten percentage points. In any case, the aid granted will never be higher than the grant request for the project by the company.

In addition, the CDTI will report motivated ex-ante to access tax breaks for r & D.

The stretch refundable will have a fixed rate equal to 1-year Euribor, to be established at the time of adoption of the project.

The CDTI may perform an analysis of the company económico-financiero to ensure their solvency, as well as the adequacy of the budget proposed by the same for the project, and establish the conditions or guarantees that are appropriate for the purpose of financing.

May not be beneficiaries of these companies in crisis, in accordance with the definition set forth in paragraph 18 of article 2 of the General regulations for exemption by category, or those companies that are subject to a recovery order pending after a prior decision of the european commission has declared a help illegal and incompatible with the common market.

More information on conditions for the financing of CDTI in the following link:R & D projects of European Technological Cooperation

The following are the main characteristics of both instruments of project funding:

Summary sheet of the assistance


Project grants international business presented by a european only spanish company, within an international consortium. Such projects may also include industrial research and experimental development.


Spanish companies

Type of assistance
  • For small businesses, up to 60 per cent of eligible budget adopted.
  • For the medium-sized enterprises, as many as 50% of eligible budget adopted.
  • For big business, up to 40 per cent of eligible budget adopted.
Call budget

There is No minimum and maximum budget financed. The budget of the request WILL BE will have to be in accordance with the draft adopted on the international stage in each ERA-NET.

Characteristics of the assitance

The duration of such projects may be from 12 to 36 months.

May include third-party funds

Cofinancing of the european commission within the Framework Programme H2020