COVID-19 Grants

Summary sheet of the assistance


Call for COVID-19 grants.

Overall Objective

Grants for R&D and investment projects to tackle the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 virus.


R&D projects:

  • Validly constituted companies with their own legal personality and tax domicile in Spain.
  • Technology Centres and/or Innovation Support Centres recorded in the registry of centres created by Royal Decree 2093/2008 of 19 December.

Investment projects:

  • Validly constituted companies with their own legal personality and tax domicile in Spain.
Call type

Directly awarded.

Submission deadline


Call Status


Type of assistance


Call budget


Characteristics of the assitance

Only one grant shall be awarded per beneficiary.

The maximum aid intensity shall be up to 80% of the eligible budget. The individual amount of aid will be determined on the basis of the actual eligible cost of the project, the characteristics of the beneficiaries and the budget available.

The total amount of assistance awarded to each beneficiary will be paid in a single instalment when the awarding is decided.

The CDTI will verify the execution of the activities on the basis of which the grant has been awarded and will issue the corresponding accreditation certificate.

Characteristics of the project

Projects must be adapted to the health emergency and should therefore allow for short-term implementation and launch with specific, quick and timely results in line with the current situation.

R&D projects:

  • Individual R&D projects
  • Industrial research and/or experimental development activities relating to COVID-19, including research into vaccines, medications and treatments, medical devices, hospital and medical equipment, disinfectants and protective clothing and equipment, as well as relevant process innovations aimed at efficiently producing the required products.
  • Starting in 2020 and ending no later than 31 October 2021.

Investment projects:

  • Individual investment projects
  • Investments in the manufacturing of COVID-19 related products. This includes medicines (including vaccines) and treatments, their intermediary products, active pharmaceutical ingredients and raw materials, medical devices, hospital and medical equipment (including respirators, protective clothing and equipment and diagnostic tools), the raw materials necessary for their production and data collection/processing tools.
  • They must result in an improvement to the beneficiary's usual production process or an increase in its production capacity.
  • Maximum duration of six months, starting from the date on which the aid is granted. Starting in 2020 and ending no later than 31 October 2020.

Maximum eligible budget: €625,000.

Maximum subcontracting: 65% of the eligible budget, subject to prior authorisation as part of the awarding resolution. The subcontracting of entities linked to the beneficiary is not allowed. In the case of contracts worth more than €60,000, three bids from different suppliers must be provided and the choice between the tenders submitted must be justified.

May include third-party funds

Yes: the European Regional Development Fund through the 2014–2020 Spanish Multi-Regional Operational Programme.

Allows for generating motivated reports

Yes, but only for R&D projects.

Gastos elegibles

R&D projects:

  • Staff dedicated to the project.
  • Materials, consumables, supplies and similar products.
  • Contracted research, technical know-how and patents acquired at market price.
  • Consultancy and equivalent services.
  • Costs related to obtaining, validating and defending patents, conformity assessments or necessary marketing authorisations.

Investment projects:

  • Staff dedicated to the project.
  • Materials, supplies and similar products.
  • The acquisition of tangible and intangible fixed assets.
  • Costs related to external procurement needed for the investment.


Incentive effect
  • For projects started on or after 1 February 2020, the aid shall be considered to have an incentive effect.
  • For projects started before 1 February 2020, the aid shall be considered to have an incentive effect if it is necessary to accelerate or extend the scope of the project. Only costs incurred from 1 February 2020 onwards which are related to the extension of the scope or acceleration of the project will be taken into account.
  • Previous feasibility studies shall not be taken into account for the determination of the activity start date.


Accumulation and incompatibilities of additional aid perception

During its implementation period, the aid granted under this call for applications cannot be combined with any other public aid at the European, national or regional level with the same objectives and purpose.

Processing of calls