Search for a spanish company to bilateral project hispano-marroquí r & D in conservation of ecological and packaging

Búsqueda de empresa española para proyecto bilateral hispano-marroquí de I+D en conservación de dátiles y en embalajes ecológicos

TheCDTIechoes a search of a spanish company to r & D project with the bilateral moroccan company Agro Irrigation Engineering SARL, specialized in the implementation of agricultural projects.

The search for a partner is the following activities:

• develop patents for the conservation of
• Develop ecological packaging asset/intelligent

The proposal aims to be submitted to the call bilateralINMARESPaccording to:Maroc PMEthe national agency for the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises in Morocco. Is open throughout the year 2020 through december.

For further information, contact or to the owner of the company and/orOffice of morocco of the delegation of north africa and the middle east of CDTI.


TheCDTIis the body of the General state administration that supports innovation based on knowledge, advice and offering public aid to innovation through subsidies or aid partially refundable. The CDTI so also the business projects of R & D and innovation of spanish companies and entities and manages the spanish participation in international R + D + I, asHorizonte2020andEureka, and in industries of science and space. Additionally, through the initiative Innvierte Sustainable Economy, supports and facilitates the capitalization of technology companies.

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  • Ministry of science and innovation:websiteTwitterLinkedIn

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