On 23 october, the CDTI SODERCAN innovation and will report on its support for r & D in a jornada informativa to be held in Santander

This event, to be held at the Parque científico y tecnológico de Cantabria (PCTCAN), aims to provide information on the different instruments and aid that has both theCDTI InnovationasSODERCANat the regional level in Cantabria, to promote industrial research, development and pilot entrepreneurial innovation as well as investment and public procurement

The CDTI Innovation channels requests for assistance and support to r & D & I projects of spanish companies

Thisday, which will involve opening Eduardo Arasti, secretary of industry, employment, innovation and trade of the government of Cantabria and Javier Ponce, Director-GeneralCDTI Innovationpart of the activitiesSODERCANas partners of theThe Enterprise Europe Network (A)and is aimed at managers, responsible financial, technical r & D companies, entrepreneurs, investors, as well as to research bodies.

In thislinkyou can find more information about this event.


The CDTI innovation is the agency of the ministry of science and innovation that supports innovation based on knowledge, advice and providing public funding for innovation through subsidies or aid partly refundable for innovation and managing public procurement precommercial. Through the initiative Innvierte Sustainable Economy, in addition, the CDTI Innovation supports and facilitates the capitalization of technology companies.

The CDTI Innovation also facilitates the internationalization of business projects of r & D and innovation of spanish companies and entities and manages the participation of spanish companies in international r & D, Horizon and Eureka, Europe and in industries of science and space.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science and innovation.

Further information,:

Office of the press

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