The CDTI Innovation announces the opening of the 5th Called for bilateral projects España-china r & D

Recently, has opened the 5th joint call España-china within the framework of the international agenda CHINEKA (China & Spain Innovating Program) for the submission of proposals for technology cooperation in priority areas for both countries

Banner 5ª Llamada CHINEKA
On 18 january 2024 is the deadline for spanish companies that want to submit their proposals

Projects should be related to the following areas of interest:

  • Sustainable Cities
  • Production technologies, including Smart Production
  • Technologies for biomedicine and health, extreme fragility and Age, health associated with climate change, sustainability of health systems and global prevalence Diseases
  • Clean Technologies, including Environmental Technologies, renewable energies or management and water treatment
  • Modern agriculture, including sustainable agriculture, food processing, food security, food and security of animals, fisheries and aquaculture
  • Advanced Materials, without environmental impact assessment in the cycle from its extraction, processing and recycling


In the case of Spain, spanish companies participating in the business projects of r & D selected will receive financial assistance of theCDTI Innovationthat can reach as much85% of eligible costthe project. In China, the entities may receive up to 3 nearly rmb700 billion in the form of subsidy.

Will be eligible for funding to a maximum of 20 proposals if exceed assessment processesCDTI InnovationandMOST.

In thislinkyou can download the document of this call in english.

Characteristics of the projects

The r & D & I projects should be selected for civilian and development-oriented or significant improvement in a product, process or innovative service with a market. Its duration will be between 24 and 36 months.


Should participate, as a minimum, a spanish company and one entity china.

On the part of the people's republic of China can participate both companies and other agencies generators of knowledge (universities, research and technology, hospitals, etc.).

With regard to Spain, should participate, at least, a company, optionally, you can collaborate with other agencies of investigation (universities, OPIs, centres of innovation and technology) that can be contracted in the budget through external input or as members of the consortium ´.

The proposal must be balanced in both technical and financial resources for the entities of each country are not allowed an imbalance in budgetary terms than 30-70% among entities of Spain and China, nor any member may have a budget of more than 70 per cent.

Deadline for submission of applications:

  • In Spain (CDTI Innovation): 18 january 2024.
  • In CHINA (MOST): 20 december 2023.

For further information, please contact:

Department of Foreign Technology Action
Tel: + 34 91 581 56 07

China (DEC MOST)
Division of European Affairs, MOST
Tel: + 86-10-5888 1357
https ://


The CDTI innovation is the agency of the ministry of science and innovation that supports innovation based on knowledge, advice and providing public funding for innovation through subsidies or aid partly refundable for innovation and managing public procurement precommercial. Through the initiative Innvierte Sustainable Economy, in addition, the CDTI Innovation supports and facilitates the capitalization of technology companies.

The CDTI Innovation also facilitates the internationalization of business projects of r & D and innovation of spanish companies and entities and manages the participation of spanish companies in international r & D, Horizon and Eureka, Europe and in industries of science and space.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science and innovation.

Further information,:

Office of the press

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