Summary sheet of the assistance


2023 NEOTEC Grants

Overall Objective

Support the creation of technology-based companies with a vocation for growth, contribute to entrepreneurship and accelerate the transfer of knowledge from public research bodies and universities.

  • Innovative small companies.

  • Maximum three years old.

  • Minimum share capital: €20,000.


Call type

Competitive tendering with set submission periods.

Submission deadline

From 28 February to 20 April 2023, at 12.00 Spanish peninsular time.

Call Status


Type of assistance


Call budget


Minimum budget reserve of €5,000,000 for projects led by women.


Characteristics of the assitance

Subsidies up to 70% of the eligible activity budget, with a grant of up to €250,000 per beneficiary.

Activities that include the employment of at least one PhD graduate, under the terms set out in Annex 1 of the call for applications, may be financed up to 85% of the eligible budget for the activity, with a grant of up to €325,000 per beneficiary.

Opportunity to take a course at the University of Georgia's Enterprise Innovation Institute (Atlanta, USA) to reinforce the company's training. The amount of aid may be increased up to €10,000 for activities that apply for this training and meet the requirements indicated in Annex 2 of the call for applications.

Following the final awarding resolution, the beneficiary may request advance payment of up to 60% of the grant awarded for the project, up to a maximum of €150,000.

Characteristics of the project

Minimum eligible budget: €175,000.

Multi-annual activities. They will start in 2023 and end no later than 31 December 2024.

Activities must respect the principle of causing no significant harm to the environment (DNSH principle), which entails compliance with specific conditions.


Call funding

Recovery and Resilience Facility

Next Generation EU funds

Beneficiary entities shall comply with European and national obligations regarding funding from the European Union's Recovery and Resilience Facility


Allows for generating motivated reports


Specific objectives

Finance the launch of new business projects which require the use of technologies or knowledge developed from research activity and in which the business strategy is based on technological development.

Provide a higher aid intensity to those applications that include the hiring of people with a PhD, in order to reinforce the capacity for knowledge generation and absorption in companies.

Strengthen support for business projects led by women, to promote equality in entrepreneurship in technology-based companies.

Grants may be awarded to business projects in any technological and/or sectoral field. However, business models that are mainly based on services to third parties and don't involve in-house technology development are not eligible for this call.

Funding will be provided for costs arising from the launch of a new business project by an innovative company, provided that they are included in the business plan and are necessary for the development of the project.

The following expenditure may be funded: a) Investment in equipment, b) Staff members, c) Materials, d) External collaborations/consultancy, and e) Other costs: rent, supplies, royalties and licences, application and maintenance costs for patents and other industrial property rights, insurance and other costs. Costs arising from the auditor's report are also eligible, up to a maximum limit of €2000 per beneficiary, per year.

Promotion, dissemination and training costs shall also be eligible, as set out in Annex 2.

Subcontracting may amount to up to 50% of the eligible budget.

Eligible expenses incurred by the beneficiary in its commercial operations must be paid within the payment periods laid down in the applicable sectoral regulations, or otherwise in those established in Law 3/2004 of 29 December, which establishes measures to combat late payment in commercial operations.

Evaluation criteria

Applications will be assessed in accordance with the evaluation criteria and weighting indicated in Article 23(b) of Order CIN/373/2022 of 26 April.

Accumulation and incompatibilities of additional aid perception

The aid regulated in this call for applications may be combined with any other aid, provided that:

  • It covers identifiably different costs.
  • The maximum aid intensity is not exceeded, if it relates in whole or in part to the same costs.

The aid cannot be combined with any other previous or subsequent NEOTEC aid, as well as with any other aid granted by the regions which expressly states that it is incompatible with NEOTEC aid.

The organisation must communicate any other aid that finances the subsidised activities as soon as they are aware of the existence of such aid.


Regulatory framework
  • Regulation (EU) 651/2014 of the Commission, of June 17, 2014, declaring certain categories compatible with the internal market in application of articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty.
  • Order CIN/373/2022, of April 26, which establishes the regulatory bases for the concession by the Center for Technological Development and Innovation E.P.E., of public aid for R&D projects and new business projects of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2012-2023, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
  • Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies.
  • European Union and national regulations applicable to the European funds of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, in particular Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of January 12, 2021, by which establishes the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, as well as the rest of the European Union regulations on the matter and state development or transposition of those.

Processing of calls