The CDTI Innovation manages 70 million in grants in 2024 Transmissions

Today, thursday, 23 may, opens the deadline for submission of requests to the convening Transmissions 2024 managed by the CDTI innovation and AEI with.eur 110 million in grants,CDTI Innovation manages 70 milliondesigned for financing r & D projects implemented in collaboration by groups of firms to address eight priority challenges for society and the spanish economy

Convocatoria TransMisiones
The deadline for submission of requests will end on 21 june

Following theeight priority challenges of thisannouncement.

  • Momentum of the development of a spanish industry: development of technologies to progress along the path to merge.
  • Energy for the twenty-first century: impetus to the advanced fuels, sources of energy and bio-based synthetic fuels developed from the captured CO2.
  • Momentum of the circular economy valorización- -singularmente recycling and in the field of renewable energies and energy storage.
  • Momentum of IoT and edge computing insurance, as well as technologies causes cross-sectoral linked, to move towards the autonomous factory.
  • Developments for the preservation and sustainable uses in coasts and oceans in a context of climate change, coexisting with traditional and emerging activities.
  • Promote the genetic improvement both in plant varieties and animal species in aquaculture and to make them more sustainable, efficient and resilient to climate change.
  • Momentum of immunological tools -vacunas-, innovative treatments and technologies, for the prevention and detection of the first signs of disease in animals, as well as their treatment, designed to maximize the health and welfare of animals.
  • Further research in infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance, to count on ecosystems and health systems research prepared for diagnosticarlas, prevent and treat them.

The development of capacities and científico-tecnológicas innovation in these areas is going to allow social economy and the spanish model move towards more sustainable, secure and resilient.

Profile of the joint action CDTI-AEI

The funding would be in the form ofgrantpara actuaciones de I+D realizadas por dos agrupaciones de entidades que colaboran entre ellas:

Clustering (between 3 and 8):

  • Led by a large or medium-sized company
  • and, at least, an sme
  • with a budget or eligible for 3 to 10 million euros by groupings, with a minimal budget by eur company 175,000
  • or at least 5 per cent of the budget should be devoted to industrial research activities
  • or grant to limit maximum intensity (65 per cent large company, 75 per cent medium and small 85%)

Clustering of investigation and dissemination of knowledge (minimum 2)

Both groups submitted a joint technical same memory, which will be evaluated in parallel, and for the part of the grouping that funds for the two entities, CDTI and AEI. For the performance of R & D can be funded, the two groups of a project should be designated as beneficiaries in their respective invitation (companies, research agencies CDTI in AEI).

The duration of the projects will be3 Or 4 yearsbeginning1 january 2025.

More information and request for assistance

Clusters, through the website and CDTI electronic

Groups of research bodies, through the website and electronic headquarters of the AEI:
https ://

CDTI Innovation

The CDTI innovation is the public funding of innovation of the ministry of science, innovation and universities that promotes innovation and technological development of spanish companies, channeling requests for funding and support for r & D & I projects of spanish entities at the state and international levels. We Contribute to the improvement of the technological level of spanish companies and drive and, with an international network with coverage of 51 countries support the spanish participation in international programmes for technology cooperation and the international transfer of technology. The CDTI also supports the creation and consolidation of technology-based enterprises in Spain.

The centre for technological development and innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) is a public entity under the ministry of Science, innovation and universities.

More information:

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